Questions tagged [vim]

An open-source text editor which is typically run from the command line. A minimal version is included in Ubuntu by default but the full version is available in repositories. Questions should relate to using Vim on Ubuntu.

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0 votes
1 answer

Tell me How to remove proxy permanently from ubuntu environment

Every time I'm getting this: env | grep -i proxy HTTP_PROXY=http://: https_proxy=http://: http_proxy=http://: HTTPS_PROXY=http://: And I want to remove this proxy... Tell me how to edit this ...
2 votes
1 answer

paste content from clipboard to text file in ex mode?

In normal mode "+p can paste content in + regiter to text file ,+p can't paste content from clipboard to text file in ex mode,how can? :reg + --- Registers --- "+ smartphone There is a word ...
1 vote
0 answers

Vim, terminal, or htop won't start

Starting Vim, terminal or Htop from the Ubuntu 16.04 Unity desktop "Search your computer" doesn't work. When I select Vim for example, The Vim icon appears in the launcher and oscillates between ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I use `sudo -e` together with gvim?

So when one edits a file owned by root it is recommended to use sudo -e. This will open a copy of the file in your favorite $EDITOR. Using this together with vim works like a charm. However, when I ...
3 votes
1 answer

opening a file in terminal vim make the message press enter or enter command to appear

If I open a file in VIM either through :e <filename> or clicking the O key in NERDTree side window or searching and selecting a file with FZF from inside vim makes, I see the message press ...
3 votes
1 answer

less calls nano instead of vi

In the default configuration of Ubuntu 18 LTS server, pressing the V key in less calls the nano editor instead of vi while none of the environment variables $LESSEDIT, $VISUAL or $EDITOR are set. I ...
43 votes
7 answers

Why can I modify a read-only file?

Short Question: Why can we manipulate a read-only file in Vim using : + w + q + ! even without being an administrator? Long Question: I have a text file (myFile.txt) which is read-only for everyone:...
1 vote
0 answers

Terminal in Tmux is 256 color but Vim isn't

I'm new to Ubuntu. Recently I installed tmux on my Ubuntu 16.04. The terminal screen in tmux shows 256 color correctly. However, when I opened vim in tmux, the color was different from what normally ...
11 votes
3 answers

How to make cursor change from thin line to block based on normal or insert mode in Console Vim on Gnome Terminal

I am switching from Gvim to using Console Vim using the Gnome Terminal 2.32.1. I really liked in Gvim how the cursor would be a solid square when in normal mode and thin line when in insert mode. Is ...
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0 answers

Run a vim command from a file

Say I have a file and, in one line of the file, I have written a vim command (for example :setlocal foldmethod=indent) Is there a way for me to run the command written in that line, without copying ...
0 votes
1 answer

Terminator 1.91 terminal emulator overwrites existing output in Ubuntu 18.04

Seemingly randomly, when sending a SIGSTOP to vim, my (Terminator 1.91) terminal output breaks. Instead of adding lines to the bottom of the display, it overwrites existing lines. Sometimes it will ...
4 votes
1 answer

Command to toggle keyboard layout

I am using a keyboard with a different layout than qwerty. This is a pain when I use vim editor so I decided to change my keyboard layout to qwerty only when I am using vim. I came up with an idea of ...
6 votes
1 answer

How to map Ctrl+S in vim on gnome-terminal?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and gnome-terminal, and I'm trying to map ctrl + s to :update in vim. I added this to my vimrc: map <C-s> :update<CR> I also tried adding this to my bashrc:...
12 votes
5 answers

Gnome-terminal + Vim and Ctrl-Shift mappings

Is it possible to map sequence with Ctrl-Shift in Gnome Terminal? I'm trying to add the mappings map <C-S-[> gT map <C-S-]> gt and it's not working. How to do that? Somehow I mapped &...
6 votes
1 answer

What does this command line that starts with "1, $" do in Vim?

I have a shell script created by someone else which I am currently trying to understand and there is a line in it which is vim -c "1,\$s/MAJOR_VERSION = ./MAJOR_VERSION = $1/" -c "1,\$s/MINOR_VERSION ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Ctrl-pgup and Ctrl-pgdn change tabs in vim when started in byobu?

From what I have read of the documentation, byobu does not use Ctrl-pgup or Ctrl-pgdn for anything, so why is it that when I start vim -p file1 file2, and try to move among the different tabs with ...
4 votes
1 answer

gVim randomly spouting warning: invalid source position for vertical gradient

I run gVim from the command line and have for many, many years. But ever since upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04, I keep getting a long string of this warning a while after starting gVim: ** (gvim:5924): ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to stop VIM with Kill, Htop, or anything else

I'm running Ubuntu Bionic. I installed SLiM display manager so my GUI uses tty2 and I ran vim to edit some C++ code in tty1. Suddenly, it froze completely. I tried to type things but nothing would ...
1 vote
1 answer

Vim test if options are valid before setting

I use my .vimrc on a number of different machines, which all have significantly different versions of vim. Most versions boot up fine, but one of them has reports this (doctored) list of errors on ...
8 votes
0 answers

Can't install vim on Ubuntu 18.04 because of broken python package [closed]

I'm having problems installing vim on my upgraded Ubuntu. When I try to install vim: sudo apt-get install vim I get this error saying I have broken packages. The following packages have unmet ...
1 vote
1 answer

GVim menu bar is not working

I am using vim for some time now and wanted to start using it for my latex files as well. Since the tutorials on the vim-latex homepage use the gui version of vim to include templates etc., I thought ...
2 votes
1 answer

vim-clang-format: clang-format is not found

I installed clang-format on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with sudo apt install clang-format and the installation was successful. I can execute clang-format-6.0 now, but when I use ClangFormat in vim, it tells me ...
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2 answers

I can not use vim to edit texts

The problem is that when I'm trying to edit text like: >> vim lab nothing happens. Can anyone help me?.
1 vote
1 answer

Default vim usage in Ubuntu Bionic feels regressed from 17.10

Using Ubuntu Bionic (server image pre-GA), coming from Centos 7 (i.e. this may not be limited to just Bionic), I find that the vim editor has some very annoying defaults. How can I disable the ...
9 votes
2 answers

Vim 8 with system clipboard on 16.04 LTS

I have install Vim 8 (so that I can use ale). Unfortunately I can't seem to get the system clipboard to work. (E.g. using vim-gnome I would use the "+y to yank to the system clipboard. Has anybody got ...
14 votes
3 answers

Resuming a vim session I have accidentally disconnected from

I came across an unusual problem today, I was using vim, had created a new alias in bash, and wanted to try it out. So I ctrl-z, exec bash (I do this because I don't like nesting it with bash). ...
211 votes
2 answers

How to change visudo editor from nano to vim? [duplicate]

When I use visudo, it always opens it with nano editor. How to change the editor to vim?
79 votes
12 answers

How to learn vim on a high level? [closed]

I know that vim (like emacs) is very powerful editor for programmers, as long as you know how to use it, its shortcuts, and so on. What steps can I take and what tutorials can I read to become an ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why won't Vim source my .vimrc at startup?

Note: edited to provide more info. I have modified my ~/.vimrc significantly (although some of my initial modifications I made in the system-wide /etc/vim/vimrc). It probably doesn't matter either ...
10 votes
3 answers

How to build vim with gui option from sources?

I'm having a hard time building a VIM 7.4(obtained from vim's ftp site) with gui option. It builds ok without the gui option. Here's how I'm doing it: cd ~/Downloads/vim74/src ./configure --enable-...
1 vote
0 answers

How to properly use `vim-airline` package [duplicate]

After installation of the vim-airline and vim-airline-themes packages, what is the best way to use / activate them? I can manually copy the .vim-files over, but this defeats the purpose of package ...
50 votes
7 answers

How to copy data between different instances of vim?

If I use the first vim to copy a line (with yy), how do I paste to another terminal's vim (with p)? Is there any command or settings can do it? Can I copy and paste into the global system clipboard? ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to remap caps lock to esc in Ubuntu 17.10 and terminator?

I want to remap Caps Lock to Esc on my Ubuntu 17.10 laptop. I have tried this method: How to remap key in Ubuntu 17.10 Wayland? (Up key to Shift), this method:
0 votes
2 answers

Losing arrow keys in vim under screen

Under certain circumstances I lose the ability to use arrow keys in vim. I just installed 16.04 LTS and I didnot have this problem with earlier versions of Ubuntu. Using PAC Manager tabbed SSH client ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cat VS vim/nano etc

When I open files in nano/vim I see characters which are not-visible using cat command in terminal. I want to proceed only with output of cat command. How to do that?
3 votes
1 answer

GLib-GObject-WARNING when closing gvim

I set my computer up new with Ubuntu 16.04 today. I already installed vim-gnome. While working with it, everything is fine. But when I close gvim I get this message in the terminal: (gvim:5834): ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to `apt-get` upgrade: How can I replace corrupted `systemd` `.conf` files?

I am unable to apt-get upgrade because I received the following error: Extracting templates from packages: 100% Preconfiguring packages ... Setting up systemd (229-4ubuntu21.1) ... dpkg: error ...
2 votes
2 answers

vim colorschemes don't appear correct when using sudoedit

I've been trying to be a good little sysadmin and use sudoedit, instead of sudo vim, or sudo -i;vim, when making changes to root owned files (ex /etc/profile), but my vim colorscheme doesn't seem to ...
13 votes
3 answers

Vim cannot find syntax.vim

Recently, I needed to build Vim from source to use a plugin that required Lua interpreting. This worked fine on my laptop, but my tower computer is having some issues. Any time I run Vim, I recieve ...
5 votes
1 answer

Upgrading VIM 7.3 to latest release via apt-get [duplicate]

I'm currently using Ubuntu 12.04 and have Vim 7.3 installed and I want to update it to the latest version. I'm still new to how all these package manager stuff works, but I was wondering why can't I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Filter text in vim

I have text in vim editor that I would like to be filtered. I need to show only lines that contains string com:. How can I achieve that?
1 vote
1 answer

Autocomplete of file path does not work after "vim" in terminal

Steps to reproduce git clone cd vecterion_vge input vim include/ tab input vim include/et_co tab What I expected to see show file list in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Open all log files in directory and sub directory in one command

I have directory ~/temp with log files. This directory contains another directory ~/temp/aaa that also contains several logs. I would like to open all log files at once. I do vim -p * It opens ...
6 votes
3 answers

Setup vimrc with solarized color theme

I just started with vim in ubuntu, and have some trouble setting up my .vimrc file. This is what I currently have: "============= Solarized color theme ============= "...
1 vote
0 answers

How to compile or install Debian version of Vim on Ubuntu 16.04

I really like the version/set-up of vim that is included with Debian 9 server. This is not the same question as Ubuntu 16.10 repository providing vim 8. I am not asking about how to get Vim 8 on ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to manipulate the keypress that applications recieve?

Basically what I want is to create a DIY alternative for autokey because it seems to be so buggy and I can't get it to work on my PC. What I want to know now is how I can receive a key combination and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Search by using bufdo command

I do search phrase not initiated in all buffers in vim by using command: :bufdo /not initiated Have output below: E486: Pattern not found: not initiated E486: Pattern not found: not initiated E486: ...
15 votes
3 answers

Permanently convert tabs to spaces in vi / vim

If I wanted to have traditional indentation in vi / vim, I would enter these commands: :set tabstop=4 :set shiftwidth=4 :set expandtab It is tedious to type those commands every time I open a file. ...
1 vote
1 answer

vim can not interact with system clipboards / Ubuntu

I downloaded Ubuntu in the Win 10 app store, installed vim, vim-gnome, opened + clipboard and + xterm_clipboard while viewing vim But I vim: reg when there is no + or * clipboard, it can not be ...
3 votes
3 answers

How can I find where the vim executable is located when my PATH is broken?

Looks like I crashed my system after editing /etc/environment and .bashrc files. My desktop doesn't start and I need to correct these files back. But since my system doesn't find any commands I need ...

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