Questions tagged [ruby]

A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. (quote:

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Ubuntu 12.04, ruby installation

I'm new to Ubuntu and Ruby and I have a problem, which seems to be strange. I needed to install Ubuntu because of problems with Ruby on Windows. I've installed Ruby, v. 1.9.3 (the same as I had on ...
pavel's user avatar
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How to install ruby mine Ubuntu [duplicate]

I have already install RVM. Now I have download RubyMine-6.3.2.tar.gz From here , But still I am confuse How can I install it on my system. I am using Ubuntu 12....
user3425009's user avatar
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Installation Of ruby on rails in ubuntu14.04 [duplicate]

How to install ruby on rails on Ubuntu 14.04? Which versions are better to install, and how to install ruby (version) rubygems, rubygems_update -v (version), mysql_server libmysqlclient-dev mysql2, ...
Gopikrishna's user avatar
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error while running ruby application at system startup in ubuntu

I am on Ubuntu 12.04 machine. Have a script file which runs when entered manually in terminal gnome-terminal -e /home/precise/Desktop/cartodb/ The content of script file is cd /home/...
anjo's user avatar
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installing rvm in 12.04 ubuntu which is on virtualbox

I have tried a lot of methods but cant get this done. I am trying to install rvm on 12.04 ubuntu. There has been many problems in past like this and I have referred as much as I can and still nothing ...
RoR's user avatar
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How to remove Ruby 1.9.1 keeping Ruby 2.0.0?

I have Ruby 2.0.0 installed on Ununtu 14.04 but I can't remove Ruby 1.9.1. I replaced the /usr/bin/ruby symbolic link to ruby2.0.0, but hhen installing new gems I always get pointed to Ruby 1.9.1. ...
Rafael Borja's user avatar
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Broken dependencies while installing redmine using apt on fresh 14.04 [duplicate]

On vanilla 14.04: run aptitude chose package redmine see broken conflicting package problem (something with ruby-rack) How can I deal with it?
Aleksei's user avatar
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How to install ruby 1.8.7 back on Ubuntu 14.04 after upgrade?

Upgrading to 14.04 removed my ruby 1.8.7. I need it back. :) Badly. Some old projects still rely on it. Gems seems to be left untouched. How do I install ruby 1.8 back while still keeping Ubuntu 14....
user272449's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Install ruby 2.0 without ruby-switch?

I'm finding the task of installing ruby 2.0 on the latest Ubuntu 14.04 rather frustrating. I'm aware that I could forgo the packages and install from source - but I'd far rather install a package - ...
aSteve's user avatar
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Unable to setup Jekyll In Ubuntu?

after upgrading to 14.04, Ruby was downgraded to 1.8.3 so I tried to upgrade using the following commands. sudo apt-get install libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison libffi-dev curl -L ...
Anandu's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

rvm /usr/bin/env: ruby no such file error

I've installed rvm + ruby systemwide. which ruby /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin/ruby and: /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory Everything else works fine, putting direct path of ...
user avatar
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sudo: ruby: command not found after ssh

I'm working with ec2 instances and was trying to execute a ruby script on another instance after ssh to that instance. I have a ruby script which updates configuration files, so i need to run that ...
Bijendra's user avatar
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How to install rubygems in Ubuntu 12.04 with Ruby 1.9.3

So I used these commands: sudo apt-get install ruby 1.9.3 cd /etc/alternatives sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/ruby1.9.3 ruby from
Gabe Spradlin's user avatar
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basic security tools and packages that should be installed on a public facing web server

I'm a newbie in this world and I do not have a lot of knowledge about how security works on Linux systems. I recently created a droplet on DigitalOcean with Ubuntu 13 and I've been setting it up by ...
Roland's user avatar
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Failing to fetch some packages in update

I want to get ruby on rails on ubuntu 12.04 but I'm coming across errors that say I need to to update. I've copied the result of the end of update and not included the earlier part. I can add that ...
cylondude's user avatar
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Install compass 1 pre fails

I can not install compass version 1. $ ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux] And when I do: $ sudo gem install compass --pre I get following error: Building native ...
Tanel Tammik's user avatar
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How do I launch my script from a launcher?

I have my custom script in Ruby with read permission, which starts with: #!/usr/bin/env ruby I can run that script from the terminal by typing that path. I added a file with .desktop extention to /...
sawa's user avatar
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Why do I need to run "/bin/bash --login"

I have just setup a new Ubuntu 13.10 server with ruby 2.1.1 installed through rvm. The problem is that whenever I switch to the user "rails" (the user I installed ruby and rails with) I have to run /...
Ole Henrik Skogstrøm's user avatar
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How do I fix 'jekyll: command not found' error permanently?

I've installed Ruby, RVM, and Jekyll following this tutorial and everything works fine after following those steps. My issue is that each time I open a new terminal window and want Jekyll to rebuild ...
Tom Brossman's user avatar
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Installing Ruby and RubyGems

Hi everybody I would like to know is it possible to install Ruby and RubyGems in apache2. Because i have already a web using apache2 and want to install a Fedena which requires Ruby and RubyGems to ...
user3425139's user avatar
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root login password when I never set it? [duplicate]

Sorry for too many duplicate questions about this. But I don't think any of the answers to these kind of question has the solution for me. As some users might have asked, how to set root login ...
Chen Li Yong's user avatar
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Ruby - no such file to load [gems]

This is error: [ERROR] no such file to load -- readline [TIP] Try to run 'gem install readline' or 'gem install --user-install readline'. If you still get an error, Please see README file or https://...
ap0calypse's user avatar
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rvm how turn it on always when we open terminal in ubuntu 13.10

I am new user of 13.10 ubuntu I am facing one problem when want to install rvm, even though it is already install and using it on virtualt box. Problem is that when i start terminal and put to check ...
user252740's user avatar
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Trouble with rake db:setup

I am trying to pull a GitHub file using rake db:setup, but I get an error every time, no matter how many times I reinstall postgresql or check Rails. Here's the error I'm getting: hifriend@...
user254158's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails on ubuntu 13.04 using rvm

I am trying to get WEBrick to work Output of rvm gemset list gemsets for ruby-1.8.7-p374 (found in /home/simon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p374) (default) global => simple_cms my gem list gem ...
Simon1901's user avatar
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How to add a proxy settings to gem

Does Ubuntu have default proxy settings? I ask this question because every time I try to install rails through gem install rails I get connection timed out error! This error occurs even I try from ...
Mina F. Beshay's user avatar
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Ruby's ri not working - 'Marshall data too short'

I'm running Lubuntu 13.10, I installed Ruby (1.9.3p194), Gems(1.8.23), ri(4.1.1), rdoc and some gems (Rails, RSpec, haml...) from the apt-get repository. When I try to run ri, it gives me the ...
ArthurChamz's user avatar
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How to activate support for ANSI escape in terminal?

The ri tool of Ruby for the documentation offers the possibility to output ANSI escape sequences, but the terminal has to support it. How is it possible to activate support for ANSI escape sequences ...
David Clavijo's user avatar
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Installing rails 12.04 error

I have followed all stapes from this page It all goes well until command to ...
eomeroff's user avatar
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How to get Ubuntu installed and running for development (I.e. ruby on rails) [closed]

Ok, I am mostly a windows user but for for learning RoR at work, I had to get used to a mac . Once I did I found that I enjoyed it, especially the terminal, I could load up projects in moments what ...
user238659's user avatar
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Installing ruby with rvm and making ruby visible to bash

I installed rvm according to the instructions from the official website. Then I installed two ruby versions While rvm was visible to bash, ruby was not. I was browsing the web for a solution and I ...
bsky's user avatar
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14 votes
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WARNING: You don't have <a directory> in your PATH, gem executables will not run

I installed a tools package my friend recommended and this is what I keep getting when I try to upgrade. My system has also started freezing after I installed the tools. ryan1@ryan1:~$ sudo apt-get ...
user231939's user avatar
2 votes
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Where is my ruby installed when i install through RVM?

right now i am running ruby 1.9 , which i installed using RVM . I needed that to run my redmine 2.4.2 , since i had trouble using 1.8. Now i need to configure my passenger mod to point to ruby 1.9 ...
Private's user avatar
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Getting always - "xmpfilter: command not found"

I have installed vim plug-in - t9md/vim-ruby-xmpfilter. My .vimrc contains 1 set nocompatible " We're running Vim, not Vi! 2 syntax on " Enable syntax highlighting 3 filetype ...
Arup Rakshit's user avatar
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GitLab Omnibus Ubuntu 12.04

I am trying to build GitLab from the Omnibus project in my Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit following this link After issuing sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-bundler I downloaded the source from here and after ...
kamil's user avatar
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ERROR: While executing gem (some::Gem) no such name (http://some.url) [closed]

I'm trying to install rails using $ sudo gem install rails But I get this error: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::UnknownHostError) no such name (
Andres's user avatar
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puppet rspec no such file to load -- rspec-puppet (LoadError)

I have no prior experience at all of ruby. I am not interested in ruby (and so have no knowledge of rails etc) as such but am using puppet to manage a group of servers. I have written some modules ...
Vorsprung's user avatar
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How to uninstall rubymine from UBUNTU

I was trying to upgrade from RubyMine to 6 for that I was trying to uninstall RubyMine I removed RubyMine directory from where I installed RubyMine. Now everytime I need to run ...
Satyam Singh's user avatar
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How to uninstall RubyMine

I was trying to upgrade from RubyMine to 6 for that I was trying to uninstall RubyMine I removed RubyMine directory from where I installed RubyMine. Now everytime I need to run ...
Satyam Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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install libmysqlclient-dev 5.6

I can't use the mysql ruby gem because I get this error: Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for 5.6.15 but the client library is 5.5.34. (RuntimeError) apt-get is ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to access Ruby on Rails Assets from a Host Machine

I am running a Ruby on Rails server on an Ubuntu VirtualBox guest machine. I can access the local server from my host machine by setting the Ubuntu network adapter to bridged. My app's hmtl is ...
Obromios's user avatar
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Installing rbenv apt-get vs git checkout

I'm finding confliccting advice on how to install rbenv (and ruby) in recent ubuntu versions (13.10). Many guides suggest cloning from git, and updating bashrc etc. For example this guide on gorails....
Andrew M's user avatar
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Gsl ruby gem on Ubuntu Saucy (13.10)

I'm trying to install the gsl gem on Ubuntu Saucy I installed the relevant gsl packages with sudo apt-get install gsl-bin libgsl0-dev But then installing the gem fails In file included from /usr/...
Dan Mazzini's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to Install Guard

I've seen Guard and it's usefulness in web development and would like to install it. Naturally, I expected to be able to use sudo gem install guard to do so (yes, it is a Ruby Gem). However the ...
Dillmo's user avatar
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why there is difference between psql -version output and the psql version connected to my application? how can I resolve this

I am building up a rails application that I cloned from my friend. I am using Ubuntu 13.10, rails 3.2.14. I am using a postgresql database and when I try to run rake db:migrate it gives me some error ...
peeyush singla's user avatar
5 votes
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How to install ruby?

I am pretty new to ruby world and I don't know about installing it. Viewing methods from blogs with google search but feeling confuse. Could somebody help me to setup ruby in my Ubuntu 13.10?
Raja G's user avatar
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Is it possible to update the app indicator from code?

I use ruby-libappindicator bindings to manage ubuntu application indicators. I want to indicate if port 3000 is used by any application. Port checking isn't a problem but I also need to update the ...
freemanoid's user avatar
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Rails 3: No route matches error

I am trying to create a simple form in Rails 3. But facing this issue: Showing /home/praveen/rails_projects/mebay/app/views/ads/new.html.erb where line #2 raised: No route matches {:action=>"...
Praveenks's user avatar
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Why has Ubuntu 13.10 more recent packages than 13.04?

I don't understand how some packages are managed in Ubuntu. How are they moved from unstable to testing? The Debian FAQ says: Unstable has the most recent (latest) versions. But the packages in ...
user2871702's user avatar
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VPS apache config - Invalid command 'PassengerDefaultRuby' after adding latest passenger gem

used to have this list of rubies in my vps: ruby-1.9.2-p320 [ i686 ] =* ruby-1.9.3-p194 [ i686 ] ruby-1.9.3-p374 [ i686 ] ruby-1.9.3-p392 [ i686 ] today I installed a new app on this vps on ...
rmagnum2002's user avatar

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