Questions tagged [promotion]

To spread the word about Ubuntu

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43 votes
4 answers

Is there a project to motivate schools to use Ubuntu?

Is there any global or EU project for motivating schools to use Ubuntu and Linux in general? I'm trying to find a way to better motivate my co-workers in primary school to use Ubuntu in our small ...
miharix's user avatar
  • 584
0 votes
3 answers

How can I promote Linux or ubuntu to my clients who are not very computer savy?

I am a computer techncian with a variety of clients, most of whom are not computer savey and are always looking for the easy solutions, but have a lot of problems with other oprating systems. When I ...
Jonathan Berman's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is it legal to use Ubuntu name for my cybercafé? [duplicate]

I have a cybercafé in Tunisia (North Africa) and I want to promote Ubuntu and hence I want to call it "Ubuntu Club" and I want to know whether Canonical will allow this. I love Ubuntu and I want to ...
Utnapishtim Linux's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu 14.04 - view at all the windows

See video: This works when I have one workspace. I use more workspaces and then it does not work. How can I have a look at all the windows in all ...
Milos's user avatar
  • 21
12 votes
6 answers

How should Ubuntu be promoted? [closed]

Sorry for being a bit subjective but how can we persuade other people we know to use Ubuntu...