Questions tagged [permissions]

Short for "file system permissions" - access control based on user, group, or global access.

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How to provide user permission to read, write on `/dev/sdax`? What is the syntax?

I have two my hard disk divided into two partition (apart from swap). First one is /dev/sda3 on which I have my ubuntu installation. Second one is /dev/sda1. Now, when I try to copy a file to /dev/...
Chirag's user avatar
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Inheriting parent folder's permissions

Okay. I've installed Ubuntu on an old laptop, which I plan to stick in a drawer and never open again, for use as a file and media server, and all is going well except that I'm having some problems ...
xoxojackie's user avatar
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Ubuntu took away permissions from my Data partition

The pangolin has struck again. The bug of the day for today is Ubuntu taking away my permissions on my Data partition (NTFS). One moment everything worked fine, the next moment I couldn't chmod ...
RobinJ's user avatar
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Where are read permission limits to guest user stored?

The default guest user can't read the home directory and its contents, but it can read the root directory and other directories with the same permissions as home. So, where is this particular ...
Pili's user avatar
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Permission problems in system directories [closed]

Please, i am using Ubuntu 11.10 and I made a mistake in system directories, changed permissions of all content to 777. I was trying to correct some files, but i cant fix all directories and files. ...
Daniel Accorsi's user avatar
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Deb Installation And Man In The Middle Attack

Is the deb installation process protected against Man In The Middle Attacks that would alter the install script? It seems if not, then it would be possible for a Man In The Middle Attack to place ...
bambuntu's user avatar
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Lost all permissions to my NTFS partition

I have lost "Write" permission for myself, and all other permissions for 'Others' and 'Group' on my important NTFS Partition(Contains all my Data). Any amount of Chmod(ing) or using the GUI to set it ...
b-ak's user avatar
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Run jnlp applications with root permissions

There is an application called KeyToolIUI, a java application that works with certificates, I want to give to it the root permission to be able to edit cacerts, when I am trying to run it from ...
Denees's user avatar
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Ubuntu user credentials, file permissions

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 for web development by using the symfony framework. Normally I install Ubuntu Lamp (Turnkey edition), log in as root and configure all the necessary software in the server ...
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Can't set permissions for USB drives?

I'm trying to set permissions for folders on USB drives that I've mounted with Nautilus, but when I change the permission, it just changes right back again. No error message or any other explanation. ...
endolith's user avatar
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How to grant full access to any new folders/files/subfolders created in a specific folder?

I have granted full access to a folder as follows: sudo chmod 777 -R /media/sharedfolder However when a new subfolder is created by User A, that subfolder is not accessible by other users. How can I ...
Ian M's user avatar
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I accidentally run command "chmod 555" on system directories [duplicate]

I accidently ran sudo chmod 555 / and now all users have lost access to the server Error: Last login: Thu Oct 18 16:50:55 2023 Could not chdir to home directory /home/User1: Permission denied /bin/...
hergo herna's user avatar
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How to give camera access to zoom?

I just installed zoom by downloading the deb file from here Then I installed it using $ mv ./zoom_amd64.deb /tmp # See $ cd /tmp $ ...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar
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/dev/mem and even /dev/port can't open even as root!

I made a program that tries to do mmaping on /dev/mem and it fails with: Failed to open /dev/mem: Operation not permitted And I tried using od as a test for my code being bad too: od: /dev/mem: ...
FFmpegEnthusiast's user avatar
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how to us the chown command and mv with find command

I have been searching around and found this question which almost solved my problem. The goal is to have a folder on Ubuntu server which other computers connect to and save files. I have two ...
spinster3908's user avatar
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Give read only access to every user for a folder

I am the owner of directory mydir. I don't have root access. How can I give only read access to someone so that they can create a local copy of mydir? Edit: ChatGPT tells me chmod -R o+r mydir should ...
helperFunction's user avatar
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Access root user directories from Windows under WSL?

I'm running WSL2, Ubuntu 20.04, and Docker Desktop. I often need to access some directories that are root owned and not readable by my main user. It's getting pretty old to always have to: Manually ...
J. Scott Elblein's user avatar
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Find commands include files not in directory

there are only three files/subdirectories in my directory root@acd95b24dde6:~# ls -l total 1048 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1067355 Sep 6 12:57 apollo13.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Sep 12 22:02 out....
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Trying to set up a systemd service, keep getting "changing to the requested working directory failed: permission denied"

I've new to Linux, only switched around 4 months ago from Windows. I'm trying to install a Minecraft server using this tutorial, and I keep getting this when I try to start the server through systemd ...
BlanketThroughTime's user avatar
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linux I want to add permission on two groups

I have my owner (Pierre) and he has all permission on g586 folder, I have my first group (G586) have read permission, I have another groupe name (teacher) have read and execute permission, and other ...
Francis Goudreault's user avatar
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Can you switch your terminal user as any user defined in /etc/passwd?

Context This is very newbie question but I dont fully grasp unix users yet. If I cat /etc/passwd there are different users: me:x:1000:1000:me,,,:/home/me:/bin/bash systemd-coredump:x:999:999:systemd ...
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How can I set permissions for www-data on NEW folders and files PERMANENTLY?

Ubuntu 20.04 VPS I've read multiple threads on this and still don't get it. I have an FTP user deanhh for ONE of multiple virtual hosts in apache2. There are other FTP users also, for other domains. ...
kristy1024's user avatar
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Why doesn't "umask" work here?

I want to set umask to 343. I calculated that the permissions of the newly created files should be: -wx-w--wx but I get: -r---w-r-- My terminal: meliwex@reverse-proxy:~/testfolder$ ls -l total 0 ...
Hayk's user avatar
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Stop asking for sudo on reading or writing files on /mnt/My_partition

I have a partition on my SSD that I store files on other than the partition of my system. I use this partition very often, but whenever I copy a file from my system to that partition, it asks me for ...
Normal's user avatar
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Error running AppImage "fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted" on Ubuntu 20.04

I'm trying to run an AppImage executable file. However, I see the following error message when I run it: $ jetbrains-toolbox fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted Cannot mount AppImage, ...
Shersh's user avatar
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Why is a ext4 flash drive being mounted with the rights of a different user?

I have a computer using 20.04 with three users, where only one is a system administrator. If one of the other users puts in a FAT formatted USB thumb drive everything is fine. They can access it as ...
verpfeilt's user avatar
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Is it possible to recover files owned by a non existing owner?

I am trying to get backup so that I can upgrade my system to latest version of Ubuntu. Now while copying files some files I found are owned by user #1000 so i could not take backup of those files. ...
Spectra's user avatar
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Ubuntu is not giving the Monkey Patch a VsCode Plugin permissions

Hello i am facing an error with my vs code i am trying to customize it using a plugin called monkey patch and it shows me this eroor message NOTE: it was working fine but i did a new installation and ...
Safdar Awan's user avatar
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How to Make Directories with the Same Parent Name

How to Make Directories with the Same Parent Name? In my library, I have the following layout: DataFolder PATIENT A FOLDER1 FOLDER2 FOLDER# PATIENT B ...
ABABABABABABBA's user avatar
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Clementine doesn't seem to have permissions to orginize files in mounted drive

When I try to add a folder on a mounted HDD, clementine says permission denied. When I try to go to /mnt that's when the message appears. The HDD auto mounts at startup with pretty much default ...
Lalit Jindal's user avatar
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Filezilla cannot upload file on ftp on Ubuntu: 533 transfer failed

I have Laravel project on Ubuntu. Project is placed in /var/www/html/myproj. I have my local project on Windows and after some changes I want to upload MyController.php on Ubuntu. From Filezilla I get ...
Robert's user avatar
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Deluge keeps giving problems no matter how hard I try

I originally wanted to post this on the Deluge forums. The problem is that to sign up for an account, you have to answer a question that I genuinely don't know the answer to: But now the problems: ...
Cas's user avatar
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understanding chmod

image link -chmod permission for user I am trying to understand different permission for text file in linux , please refer the image i have attached. i want to ask two question. 1- when the text file ...
user143252's user avatar
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Issues with Python and potentially other programs after home directory change

Problem Recently I changed my user name and home directory, (from jasper-ubuntu to jasper (both)) I'm concerned this may have brought some issues with Python and potentially other programs. Something ...
JasperEdits's user avatar
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Application (puddletag) can not open files from second drive, only files located at /home/user/*

I reached the most frustrating point and coulnd't find anywhere in the web an answer so I hope, this could be here my last possibility for a solution. Situation: I want to edit mp3 tags with a program-...
ubuntu4life's user avatar
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Cannot edit file via group permission

there's a system with two users: codera and coderb. They both belong to group named firma. However, when one of them creates a file (in /tmp) and changes it's group ownership to firma, with rw group ...
Richard Beneš's user avatar
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Which rights do scripts have that are triggered by a udev rule?

From what I understand I can create a udev rule to run a script e.g. when a USB device is plugged in: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0123", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0815",...
Raketenolli's user avatar
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Cannot ssh to the remote server from my local computer Permission denied (publickey)

I changed my remote server ssh port from 22 to 2222 and after that I restarted the server and now i cannot ssh to my server. it always gives me Permission denied (publickey) I use ssh [email protected] ...
amdev's user avatar
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permissions option in mount ntfs

I recently read this answer about mounting NTFS partitions in linux, so that I can change file and folder permissions (chmod). And they explain that I use the option "permissions". Example: #...
acgbox's user avatar
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Handbrake can't access my video files

I have permissions set in Handbrake to have access to files in 'home'. When I try to access my Videos folder it is denied. The only thing I can think is the Videos is a sym link to /mnt/hdd/Videos - ...
Roger06's user avatar
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Uninstalling VMware horizon client issue

I'm having trouble uninstalling VMware Horizon Client since it stopped working with the new ubuntu update I got a few days ago. I tried this sudo env VMWARE_KEEP_CONFIG=yes \ ./VMware-Horizon-Client-...
Rildo Gomez's user avatar
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How do you get 'sudo' privilege for a program in a conda virtual environment?

As with the title, how can I run a program installed within a conda environment with sudo privileges? This thread(sudo: conda: command not found) mentioned that conda commands cannot be granted super ...
Ang Jit Wei Aaron's user avatar
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Permission of a mounted EXT4 for a specific user

I basically stumbled upon a problem I need help with. I mounted a HDD. In my /home folder I created several symlinks that point to folders on that HDD. Unfortunately I am unable to create the symlink ...
Erik Steiner's user avatar
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Zotero reference manager installed from snap cannot process files via Firefox connector

I have a Zotero application, a PDF manager, installed via snap. I used to have a problem with accessing removable media but it's been sorted here. There is another issue. Zotero should accept files ...
Celdor's user avatar
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Partition - no write access [duplicate]

I have a interntal fat32 partition, shared with windows. In Ubuntu I don't have write access. The fstab file looks like this: /dev/disk/by-label/SHAREDI /media/SHAREDI auto, users,nosuid,nodev,...
dan's user avatar
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Switched to postgres user after PostgreSQL install, can't switch back to normal user

I installed PostgreSQL using this guide: It says that the install command created a Linux user ...
parsecer's user avatar
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Using rsync to back up /home folder with same permissions, recursive

I would like to request information on using rsync. I tried reading reading the manuals, but the examples are few and confusing for me. I do not need advanced features or live sync or remote sources ...
Jonathan Joseph Chiarella's user avatar
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How to view SELinux context of a file?

I've extracted the userdata partition(ext4 format) from my Android phone and mounted it on Kubuntu 19.10. I was trying to figure out what the . in ls -l output stood for and eventually discovered it ...
Syfer Polski's user avatar
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Read only file system errors, especially with discord

Running Ubuntu 18.04 I came across this issue: I was trying to give the discord app a different icon, so in the terminal, I navigated to the discord folder, and eventually to the discord.desktop file....
Mungo Kavanagh's user avatar
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Setup a cron job to archive a directory and all its sub-directories including hidden files using tar

I'm trying to setup a cron job to archive/backup /home/username/.mozilla/ directory and all its sub-directories, including hidden files, using tar. I like to run the job at 12:01 AM every night. Here'...
Jags's user avatar
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