Questions tagged [orchestra]

Servers in Concert!

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11 votes
1 answer

What is Orchestra, and how do I use it?

Writing this answer, I realized I do not know anything about Orchestra. There's no link to any website or documentation on their Launchpad page. Can anyone familiar with it explain how it works and ...
Oxwivi's user avatar
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4 votes
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Has anyone deployed Swift in an OpenStack environment using Juju?

I've been reading up on how to deploy an OpenStack environment on some Ubuntu servers... I found some info on deploying and configuring it manually and I found some info on deploying it using ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Juju SSH setup in orchestra environment

For orchestra, must the public keys be copied to the nodes before 'juju bootstrap' is run for the first time?
David Buttrick's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Juju Stuck on Fetching Juju agent version 2.0.0 for amd64

I have installed the MAAS and all my nodes are ready to be deployed but when I bootstrap with juju it fails at the end. Below is the terminal printed during the bootstrapping: juju bootstrap --config ...
Reza G.'s user avatar
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Juju won't run on orchestra due to ssh error

I've got orchestra installed and running, and I have managed to build my first three nodes. Now I want to get down to the business of managing their environments. I've installed JuJu on my main ...
David Buttrick's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Did Orchestra evolve into MAAS?

I never knew what Orchestra really was, I'd like to ask, MAAS is orchestra with another name?, if not, what are the differences?
Javier López's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

juju status can't resolve hostname

I'm trying to install a private cloud with Ubuntu Server 11.10. I've successfully installed orchestra by following the below tutorial:
user53923's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Un bootstrapping a juju/orchestra environment

I think my juju environment in my orchestra server is broken, and I want to do the bootstrap process again. Basically, I'd like to run: juju bootstrap and not get: 2012-02-09 19:51:48,503 INFO juju ...
David Buttrick's user avatar