Questions tagged [ogg-opus]

Opus is a general-purpose, low-latency audio compression engine, suitable for interactive and streaming use of Music, Voice and Sound FX across digital networks. ([source][1]) [1]:

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Create custom Gnome Audio Profile

I like to convert my music and podcasts to .opus. I would like to be using gnome audio converter, but it only allows very crude settings. So until now I've been converting my files using opusenc in ...
Markus Gratis's user avatar
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Opus tagging for dynamic contents of an Opus audio webstream

I have a question. An important German radio station (state supported) is broadcasting three opus streams. They seem to have issues using tagging with live radio broadcasts. Their tag for their Opus ...
Rev's user avatar
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Compile opus-tools with opus 1.2.1 (Ubuntu 17.04)

How do I compile opus-tools to use Opus 1.2.1? I've manually installed the latest version of Opus wget tar -xzf opus-1.2.1.tar.gz cd opus-1.2.1 ...
Terence Eden's user avatar
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