Questions tagged [locoteams]

Local Community teams are groups of Ubuntu fans and enthusiasts who work together in regional teams to help advocate, promote, translate, develop and otherwise improve Ubuntu.

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18 votes
2 answers

What if my State / Country doesn't have a Ubuntu LoCo Team? How can I start one?

I know what an Ubuntu Team is and where to find them, but what can users do if their area doesn't have a LoCo team?
akgraner's user avatar
  • 1,203
11 votes
1 answer

How do I organize an Ubuntu party or get together?

I would like organize some Ubuntu party with my school, but how to improve Ubuntu with our time? (easily)
Dorian's user avatar
  • 402
3 votes
1 answer

Where can I get physical CDs of Ubuntu if I live in a place with limited internet connectivity? [duplicate]

I am based in Durban, South Africa and would like to get a copy of the operating system but do not have an internet connection. Can someone nearby help me make a CD copy?
Vusi's user avatar
  • 61
27 votes
6 answers

How do I run a successful Ubuntu Hour?

I'm taking my be-stickered laptop to a coffee shop tonight for an Ubuntu Hour. I've let a bunch of local LUG people know about it. How can I ensure people come away from it feeling like the ...
7 votes
3 answers

How do I find Ubuntu users in my country / state

I am looking to get meet other users how do I find that team.
cprofitt's user avatar
  • 6,595
3 votes
1 answer

How can I get updates about a LoCo team?

I wanted to join to Ubuntu LoCo team in Jordan but the team is inactive and it seems that in this status since 2008, what is the solution?
the Lord of the Doom's user avatar