Questions tagged [ices]

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6 votes
2 answers

How to run an automated internet-radio station in a server environment?

I'm running an Ubuntu server environment with icecast-2.3.2 and ices-0.4.0 to enable internet-radio streaming. I have a directory with music files, mostly MP3, let's call it /PATH/TO/MUSIC. I also ...
q9f's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up Icecast2 streaming server on the Internet for live streaming

I have looking through tutorials for setting up Icecast2 server and ices2 on Ubuntu. Unfortunately all of these are based on LAN. I want to set up a Icecast server on a ubuntu machine which will be ...
tinhed's user avatar
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problems with ices

I am trying to compile ices but I get this error when I execute make make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. Can anyone help me to fix it? @Martin: Thanks for your interest, ...
fede's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I run a live stream as local radio?

I want to play a live stream (for example with icecast2 server. I have successfully installed icecast2 and ices2. I want my users to connect to my server for listening this ...
user259868's user avatar