Questions tagged [format-conversion]

Converting from/to different formats, be it multimedia or text.

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I convert Pocket Word files (PSW) to ODT?

I have a bunch of PSW (Pocket Word for Pocket PC) files I want to get the text out of. They were copied off an old pocket PC years ago without being converted. No, I do not have the pocket PC any ...
ikmac's user avatar
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Converted video from .VOB have no voice

I'm stock on this for a while. I have tried ffmpeg -i inpout.VOB -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192k output.avi and mencoder in.VOB -nosub -nosound -ovc x264 \ -x264encopts ...
Jand's user avatar
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Batch convert ISO/WAV/CUE back into BIN/CUE

I've been looking for a command utility/script that does the opposite of bchunck, but can't seem to find one. What bchunck does is taking a mixed-mode CD image in BIN/CUE format and separate it into ...
biohazara's user avatar
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dir2ogg- ERROR: "stdin" is not a supported format

Re: Convert m4a --> ogg I have installed dir2ogg 0.11.8 on Lubuntu 14.04 LTS; faad is inherently installed, Build: May 1 2012. I would like to convert the m4a file ManjusriMantra.m4a to ogg, ...
afc888ny's user avatar
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Recursively convert Apple .pages files to .docx or .odt

I have a bunch of Apple .pages files stored in a directory structure that I want to convert to .docx or .odt formats. I want some kind of command line script, program, etc which will recursively ...
kjakeb's user avatar
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Convert PDF to Word/ODF

I would like to convert a pdf to an word or ODF file. If found several programs like Okular, but I don't know how to do that. Edit: It is a text pdf, not an image pdf.
de-facto's user avatar
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basic commands of w3m

I download a HTML file using wget command. I convert it into a text file using w3m. wget -q0- w3m -dump index.html I want to use only basic commands like wget, curl, etc. without ...
ChocoLite's user avatar
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I accidentally formatted my USB flash drive to "squashfs" and I need to be able to access it's files from a windows system

Basically the title, I have no idea how it was formatted to squashfs, and when I run disks, the format button is greyed out. Thanks for your help!
CrimsonK9's user avatar
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How to bulk convert html content of eml files to doc (Word) files

I got over 5000 of eml files with html content (declared as text/html utf-8 in headers, but...) and I need to convert them to the only format our outsourced translator supports - Microsoft Word .doc ...
David162795's user avatar
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How to change time in appointments in Calendar to 12 hour format?

The calendar appointment format in Ubuntu is 24 hour. How do you change it to a 12 hour format? I have my clock set for 12 hour, but there is no option in the Calendar to switch formats. Can it be ...
casawyer's user avatar
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DVD and VCD to Mp3

Is there any package that allows me to rip the DVD and VCD to MP3. I have few DVD and VCDs that I would like to put into MP3 Disc. Recording in software like Audacity is not an option for me. ...
Stefano Mtangoo's user avatar