Questions tagged [equivs]

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Satisfy dependencies of python-gtk2 on Ubuntu 22.04

I am trying to install python-gtk2 on Ubuntu 22.04 like so: $ wget $ sudo dpkg -i python-gtk2_2.24.0-6_amd64.deb ...
David42's user avatar
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Bash Equivalency Struggles

Where am I going wrong in this Bash? declare current_state=`pacmd list-sources | sed -n 19p` declare my_target='used by: 0' echo $current_state = $my_target if [ '$current_state' = '$my_target' ] ; ...
Tim50001's user avatar
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Using Mercurial via pip on Ubuntu 20.04, any negative side-effects I should be expecting?

I'm trying to get rid of the last Python 2.x bits on my Ubuntu 20.04 boxes and it turns out the mercurial package is the culprit. Having already had some negative experiences with the packaged version ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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equivs-build: fatal error occurred while parsing debian/changelog

There is no debian/changelog file involved when using equivs-build, so would the fatal error occurred while parsing debian/changelog error be a bug? Here are the details: $ cat ttf-ubuntu-font-...
xpt's user avatar
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how to create a debian package using "equivs-build" which can be "upgraded" if already installed?

I have created a .deb package using equivs-build command and providing necessary control, preinst, postinst, etc. I noticed that version can also be mentioned in control file. Now I want to create a ....
exAres's user avatar
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dpkg and equivs

i am trying to make a metapackage with equivs, creating the package is working perfect, but installing it is giving me an error: Selecting previously deselected package testdeb. (Reading database ... ...
sven's user avatar
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How to create a meta-package that automatically installs other packages?

I'd like to be able to create a package that doesnt contain any code or programs itself, but instead installs other packages that exist in the repositories onto a computer, sort of how the ubuntu-...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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How to trick apt dependencies? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to create a meta-package that automatically installs other packages? I want to use Frescobaldi (an editor for Lilypond), but the packaged release of lilypond (2.12.3; ...
FUZxxl's user avatar
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