Questions tagged [dd-wrt]

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3 votes
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Install apt-cacher on a non-Ubuntu server (router)

Is there a way to install apt-cacher on a non-Ubuntu server? I'm using DD-WRT on my router and I thought it would be nice if the apt-cacher was there instead of on a PC which has to be powered on if ...
Yusuf's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Sharing files with a dd-wrt router

I plan to buy a new wifi router with the intention of installing dd-wrt right away. One of the features I plan to use is attaching a USB harddrive to the router and using it to backup (using rsync) my ...
Ricardo Reyes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

PPTP VPN on Non-Standard Port [closed]

How can I run a VPN connection on a non-standard port? I have set up a VPN on my router running DD-WRT which I connected to my main router. I have forwarded the port to port 90 and can not connect to ...
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2 answers

PPTP VPN connection with dd-wrt terminates

I have problems with connection to DD-WRT router with PPTP server installed. Win7 has no problems with connection to it. But in Ubuntu I'm getting all the time: Dec 28 21:52:14 IT-nb pppd[4209]: ...
StalkerNOVA's user avatar
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Using iptables to redirect all traffic to my localhost

So I've just installed DD-WRT on my router and I wanted to redirect all http requests to my local host located at (port 80) but I'm unable to find any way of doing this. I've tried doing ...
Sam Kohnson's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I access network from terminal? [closed]

So I'm trying to recover from a hugely failed upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10. I can get my system to boot to console but not to desktop. So from the console I'm trying to fix broken packages. But I ...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
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No internet access when using a PPTP VPN server

I've followed the tutorial on this site: I have a DD-WRT router with Micro-FW that does not have a built-in VPN server. I have port forwarded the ...
user19703's user avatar
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Inconsistent ability to resolve DNS on Ubuntu 12.10 fresh install

For machines on my local network I use my router (running DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/07/10) std-nokaid-small) to DHCP IP addresses and to resolve names. I now frequently notice that my web browsers can't ...
JIm's user avatar
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