Questions tagged [command-line]

This tag is for questions that are about using the command-line interface (CLI), including the use of standard command-line tools and shell commands. However, for questions that are specific to each shell (like Bash, ZSH etc.), use the tag of that particular shell as well.

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Grepping last 5 minutes log

I need to grep last 5 minutes log. log file: 18-06-17 06:00:09 ID-5 18-06-17 06:00:11 ID-78 20-06-17 09:34:51 ID-Hello 21-06-17 09:20:49 link is down 22-06-17 06:00:11 ID-674 22-06-17 06:40:51 ID-2 ...
Oleksii's user avatar
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Create Keyboard Shortcut for Single-Line Bash Command

I want to run cmus-remote --pause when I press F8 at anytime, in any window, in Ubuntu. I've tried creating a keyboard shortcut (System > Preferences > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcuts) with bash -c '...
reelyard's user avatar
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Ubuntu bash Small Script Help

I am trying to run the following bash script, but it does not display anything on the terminal window and i get no errors either. I am trying to display the currentid value to be shown on the terminal ...
Randy's user avatar
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Open linux terminal and run multiple tasks using perl script

I am running these commands in perl script with purpose Open a linux terminal Run script and in that terminal gnome-terminal -x sh -c "./ && ....
tpham1002002's user avatar
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Did my 11 month old just ruin my Ubuntu installation via the screen unlock password prompt?

My 11 month old son is obsessed with laptops and I occasionally let him play around with my Ubuntu laptop while the password protected screensaver is running. Aside from potential hardware damage, I'm ...
Adam Sternberg's user avatar
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Shelled root seems to print incorrect from /etc/shadow | grep root

I'm trying to understand why my script prints cat /etc/shadow | grep root as the empty string (''). This happens even though my script gets access to [email protected]... I'm walking my way through ...
geostocker's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 behaving differently whether called by terminal or by clicking .desktop file

Notice how when I use the version launched with the .desktop file sublime takes advantage of Unity's top bar. I'd like it to do the same with instances launched by the terminal
Tommaso Thea's user avatar
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w3m to display image inline and quit

In a Lubuntu 16.04 system, w3m does display png and jpeg image files inline on a gnome terminal, but it enters the command mode, so the image only shows when you press some key (like down arrow, there'...
nightcod3r's user avatar
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AWK command executed with out error but not modifying the file

I am applying awk command on a file but this file is not modifying. can any one suggest why this is happening? awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=""}; {if($692=="6") sub($690,"9");print $0;}' abc.txt >efg.txt ...
Su Bho's user avatar
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Problem with proxy settings while trying to install a package

I'm trying to install a package (android-studio) through ppa, and am having some troubles. I'm 95% sure it is related to the corporate proxy we're behind of. These are my settings: env | grep -i ...
Enrique's user avatar
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Create a Shell with Limited access of commands

I have to give ssh access to a user, but i want them to execute only limited command set like ifconfig, ip link,restart apache etc. but not adduser etc. Please someone point me in the right direction
sfg2k's user avatar
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Convert single Latex strings into normal text

I want to use a bash script to extract Author and Title from a latex file and save it in a variable, I found a solution, however if the title or the names use a special character (like \'e) it will ...
ADDB's user avatar
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How to open a file from bash in another workspace

I am working on a project where a text file and tif file should be opened to full window to compare with each other. So easiest way to do this is to open either one in another workspace. That means I ...
Ramaprakasha's user avatar
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ssh tab auto-complete causes bash: warning: setlocale

When I try to to use tab to auto-complete to finish a ssh (or scp) command, the following error appears on the console: -bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) -bash: ...
kevlarjacket's user avatar
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echoing COM port return garbled but consistent charachters

I have a RS323 to usb cable connected to a circuit of max3232 IC Chip, everything was checked to be running on windows. The Tx and Rx are connected to each other to simulate an echo function. When ...
Marwan Nabil's user avatar
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How to stop lightdm without getting dark?

I am trying to install on a freshly installed ubuntu the drivers for my gtx1050. At first it worked, I downloaded the display drivers for linux as a .run-file, I ctrl+alt+F1 into a console and ...
sharkant's user avatar
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Execute a Shell Script from php?

I'm trying to generate Android apk files from shell script, I want to execute a shell script file from PHP. When I run the shell script in the terminal, it works perfectly. If I try to run the script ...
Keerthivasan's user avatar
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Bash help: awk columns

120 , 3 <IP address> <port> 100 , 3 xxxx 220 , 3 xxxx 280 ...
captain21's user avatar
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How to check if the libdvdcss library is contained in ubuntu?

I am using ubuntu studio 16.04. Except from adding a few PPAs, I've not changed the system as it was after the installation. I am wondering if the library libdvdcss is installed, here is why: After ...
sharkant's user avatar
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Ubuntu Terminal 16.05LTS How do I keep progress bar output on same line when I resize terminal

For some applications that prints output on the same line (carriage return) such as wget or anything that has a progress bar overwriting the previous progress, when I resize the terminal window or ...
poetryrocksalot's user avatar
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From a bash script, send commands to a terminal window

I need to run a script which will run many similar commands inside another terminal window (which has a app launched and ready to receive commands). And the command should be sent to the open ...
azerafati's user avatar
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White background in terminal (Ubuntu 17.04)

I install "paper" theme and the terminal background change to white, I don't find out how to change it to dark. The same with Numix theme. I want to use the colors of theme (not built-in ...
Clovis Ignacio Ferreira's user avatar
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gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css color codes ubuntu

for ubuntu 14.04 when editing usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css to change colors in some item I would like to know if there is a guide to the corresponding colors to the numbers in ...
M. Le Pocher's user avatar
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keyboard-interactive authentication (Locked out?) on a Modern Honey Network Ubuntu 14.04 box?

I deployed a Modern Honey Network for a course project. I have a Ubuntu Box that hosts the MHN server and now I have deployed a Ubuntu 14.04 box to host several Sensors (Cowrie, Snort, etc.) However, ...
Joshua Faust's user avatar
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Reconfiguring software to run on different Python version locally

I am using a shared server installed with Python 2.6.6 but this program (called RSeQC) requires Python 2.7 or higher to run; so I installed Python 2.7.13 locally. Then to enable Python 2.7.13 locally ...
T.Ben's user avatar
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PowerShell launcher

I am setting up a demo Ubuntu 16.04 devbox and I wanted to create a launcher entry for PowerShell that uses the default gnome-terminal but with the canonical PowerShell colors and icon on the launcher....
Meteorhead's user avatar
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How to logout the ubuntu while remain vnc session connected?

Ubuntu server 14.04 Trusty. Using vnc4server, gnome-shell. I am trying to logout the user but with no luck. What I am trying to achieve is to end all the tasks that the user is processing,like ...
Spencer's user avatar
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files made with Gedit cannot be found/made executable from terminal

I recently (as in within the hour) made one .rb file and one .html file. When I enter them into my Terminal they always return: "No Such File or Directory". It does not matter if the manner of input ...
Zonecodez's user avatar
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Changing default terminal

As said, I'd like to change default terminal. I've set ctr+alt+t shortcut and it starts xfce4 terminal. But it's bothersome sometimes. There's an option open in terminal/open terminal when u click rmb,...
Taki Nikt's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04: Executable added in .desktop opens without the file

I added Pymol executable into ~/.local/share/applications as a pymol.desktop file. The program now shows up in the Applications tab of the GUI and opens but without the file. I mean to say, Pymol ...
NishGJ's user avatar
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Terminal throws error message of some installation

Whenever i open terminal, it opens with the following undesired message: 32bit Detected Installing Google Chrome --2017-03-11 22:27:37-- ...
Krishna Tripathi's user avatar
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(Another!) question about www-data privileges and root - but with a twist

In short : is it safe to grant root (user) access to www-data? Longer statement : as a lot of questions asked on this using chmod g+s, POSIX ACLs and other sites umask as to the appropriate way of ...
bnoeafk's user avatar
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Using Sudo commands via Webpage

I am working on the webpage where you click the button run the file in superuser. I am trying to run mininet topology using the python script via web page. <?php $mininet='sudo python ...
Cin Sb Sangpi's user avatar
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drupal8 login password forget

I had install drupal 8 on my ubuntu 16.04 bt username or password have forget for login. email id also show not recognized. how to find user name or password
sanjeev kumar's user avatar
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Cant merge terminal's tabs (they all crash)

Im using Ubuntu 16.10, having this terminal structure: Window_1:{Tab_1, Tab_2} Window_2:{Tab_3, Tab_4} When I click and drag Tab_1 then drop it to Window_2, instead of merging it with other Window_2'...
Vu TrongNghia's user avatar
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Systemd service run binary and after run script?

I have the following service: [Unit] Description=Renews letsencrypt certificates [Service] Type=oneshot WorkingDirectory=/etc/letsencrypt/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/letsencrypt renew ...
Karl Morrison's user avatar
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sshpass I want to use in .sh and execute some commands Ubuntu 16.04

From one VM-X i want to log onto different VM-Y, get output dh -H command from VM-Y and find out which disk usage is above say 50% and sendemail from VM-X echo "df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem|tmpfs|...
ManojA's user avatar
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lpr prints only txt files

I have made a script to automatically print all files dropped on a folder, then delete it after printing. This works fine with text files, but doc,jpg,pdf,..etc printing is failing with no result ...
Lawrence Amer's user avatar
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Use proxychains in terminal

I know that I'm using the proxy(tor) by the precise return of this command: sudo proxychains sh -c 'apt update' However, when I do this in 2 steps, the command's return isn't as precise as before: ...
user-707's user avatar
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Terminal can't scroll after overnight idle computing

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04, using ubuntu terminal, running zsh with oh-my-zsh. I'm on a ssh session to a remote computer with the same configuration. I launched a big computing and forgot to output the ...
Remi Delassus's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.10 - not starting

The main problem: startx does not start fluxbox, server disconnects, but xinit $(which xterm) works. (and EDID) problem started with installing fresh 16.10. Minimal ubuntu console, Xorg, ...
Dmitry Starostin's user avatar
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Which shell message are involved, in my example, and how to enable or disable them?

I have two Ubuntu virtualboxes both version 16.04. If to reset the network manager on vbox1 results in : bernard@vbox1~$ sudo service network-manager restart bernard@vbox1~$ and tests suggested by ...
Bernard's user avatar
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LS_COLORS failing to source in .zshrc

I've noticed a strange problem with sourcing. source /etc/zsh/zshrc in .zshrc fails to set LS_COLORS The last line in /etc/zsh/zshrc: eval $(dircolors /etc/zsh/DIR_COLORS) But it has no effect. ...
YMOZ's user avatar
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Postfix SMTP mail server External smtp relay

How can I configure postfix smtp? External smtp relay Smtp authentication Email send rate limit Schedule emails
Technical Support's user avatar
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Run a script with root privileges, but only at very first login of any user

How can I run a script that requires root privileges at login of a (or any) user? I am building an Ubuntu 16.04 Docker image. I need to update the list of libraries with the ldconfig -v command but ...
Peter's user avatar
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Unable To Download Software VIA Terminal

Trying to Download repos but this error shows up, this happens always while trying to download any other repositories also. W: The repository ' ...
1'-'1's user avatar
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how can I run a graphical program from ssh?

Before you get all, vote to close, thread like this other one, hear me out. I have a program, it produces an image stream. I want to feed that stream to an ffmpeg session on the same machine. The ...
j0h's user avatar
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How do I setup my computer to run multiple sessions at once with different peripherals?

I have built another computer for my organization, but it is so powerful that I put it in an office where multiple people are sitting next to each other. I have several monitors, and that gave me an ...
ComputerGuy's user avatar
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how to play .avi file from a remotely connected Ubuntu with -X flag (without dropping quality/resolution of video)?

How to open a .avi video from a -X ssh version of an Ubuntu terminal? None of the ones said below work for me: The syntax to open any file in its default application is xdg-open If you mean ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Using shell script to move file after failed execution of Xfoil.

I have Used this script to get majority of my code. I am trying to edit it where the code continually runs even when getting stuck on a file. What happens with original script is that ...
Maciek Makopol's user avatar

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