Questions tagged [byobu]

Byobu is an enhancement for tmux and GNU Screen that provides text-based notifications and tabbed window management.

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76 votes
4 answers

Can Mouse Wheel Scrolling be enabled in Byobu

I've seen elsewhere that scrolling via the mouse wheel (and other mousy events) can be enabled for tmux.. can this feature also be enabled in byobu (over tmux) and how?
Ashimema's user avatar
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59 votes
3 answers

How do I make the F-keys work in byobu, for midnight commander (mc), htop, etc?

I use byobu with the tmux backend on my 12.04 server. I'd like to use the midnight commander shortcut keys with it, but the F keys don't work. I've seen some posts on the issues here: https://bugs....
Jorge Castro's user avatar
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58 votes
5 answers

how to run multiple byobu sessions at once?

Currently I don't seem able to run multiple sessions of byobu. After the initial byobu instance, running on one terminal, when I run byobu in another terminal it always attaches to the first byobu ...
hargriffle's user avatar
55 votes
2 answers

How to split byobu screen?

On the byobu Wikipedia page there is a screenshot with the terminal screen: Can somebody explain to me what programs are used here? My guess - at the bottom - vim, top right - terminal, top left - I ...
AndriusZ's user avatar
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47 votes
9 answers

What terminal emulators are available for heavy terminal users?

I spend a lot of time at the command-line during the workday and at home too since I run Ubuntu exclusively. I've been using the default gnome terminal but I've reached a point where I'd really like ...
40 votes
2 answers

How do I change the default shell used in Byobu (tmux)?

I've become addicted to Byobu and I've recently shifted from bash to zsh; Now I want to combine the two, however I have a one initial pre-requisite: I cannot make zsh the default shell for my user as ...
Ashimema's user avatar
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36 votes
9 answers

How to save scrollback history in byobu?

I've had an interesting terminal session in byobu, and I'd like to save the terminal output (commands and all) to a file - how can I do that? According to the byobu man page: Ctrl-a ~ - Save the ...
drevicko's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

How to re-enable function keys in byobu?

I was using byobu on Ubuntu 11.10 Server and I needed to hit a function key in an app, so I hit F9 to bring up the config menu and switched the keybinding set from "f-keys" to "screen-escape-keys". ...
xyzzyrz's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

What is the <number>! in byobu's status bar mean?

I run byobu on my home server, and I noticed this today - what is it? It's part of the byobu notification/status bar, on a 64-bit 11.10 server.
jrg's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

How to use Byobu keybindings in a nested remote session?

I'm using Byobu (with Tmux, inside of gnome-terminal) and I have a problem with its keybindings (which I probably fail to understand). I launch byobu, open a few windows then, from one of these ...
tseliot's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Can I use mouse click to focus on Byobu splits?

I know Byobu is a terminal multiplexer and mouse is not a priority, but I still would like to know if there is a way to focus on a split using mouse click instead of keyboard shortcuts. In negative ...
marcio's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Name a Byobu session?

Is there a way to create identifiable Byobu sessions so that when I've got multiple sessions running, the byobu-select-session menu gives me a list of sessions I can recognize, as opposed to non-...
Ashimema's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

How to get byobu to launch tmux instead of screen?

The latest versions of byobu should apparently be configurable to run tmux instead of screen, but I haven't been able to. Advice appreciated
yitzhakbg's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Byobu weird character

After the last byobu's update, I realized that the weird character in bottom left of terminal was not repaired. This character is right or not? See link below. Ubuntu 14.04; Language: English (US); ...
leoheck's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Byobu: open different tabs in different windows of the same session

Let's say I have a byobu session running with multiple tabs open. Then if I open a new terminal, and start byobu, it will take me into the same session. If I then switch byobu tabs in one terminal, ...
Alex's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Exiting scrollback mode in byobu

In byobu, I am able to enter scrollback mode with F7. However, I am not able to exit by pressing ESC as documented. Nothing happens when I press ESC. In contrast, when I am in screen, I am able to ...
lid's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

byobu scrolling and text selection

I want byobu running in gnome-terminal to: Interpret mouse wheel scrolling as scrolling up in the current byobu window. Allow me to select text with my mouse (eg, to copy it to the clipboard). Is ...
alecbz's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How do I get Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right to jump a word again in byobu?

On my Ubuntu 11.10 machines running byobu 4.37 I can use the key combination Ctrl+← / Ctrl+→ to jump a word at a time in the terminal. However, on my Ubuntu 12.04 machines with byobu 5.17 this no ...
chmac's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How do I send a literal F6/etc. in byobu?

In a byobu screen, I ssh'ed into another computer and launched byobu on that computer. Now, I have byobu within byobu. How can I send byobu keystrokes (F2, F3, F6, etc) to the inner byobu rather ...
cha's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

How do I disconnect from Byobu in a console?

I'm using byobu on the server. Then I logged in my kde I just close a tab with byobu session. But how I can disconnect if I'll use just console terminal? I mean one of Ctrl+ things.
Maximus's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to kill a byobu session?

byobu allows users to create multiple sessions. Once there are multiple sessions, how to kill an entire session? If there is a session foo with 3 windows and bar with 4 windows, to kill session foo, ...
Chillar Anand's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to find something in byobu window?

Is there a way to find an expression (ctrl-f like command) inside a byobu window?
Uri's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why does tmux/byobu fill my screen with garbage characters when I copy a selection?

When I copy a selection from tmux with a window split, my screen fills up with garbage characters. Depending on the size of the selection, it could be a lot, or just one line. The following images ...
dpb's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How do I get a byobu session with a command to run on startup?

I am trying to get Byobu to startup with Ubuntu Server 12.04 when the server starts up. I've figured out how to do this with a screen session but I want it to be in Byobu with all the added features, ...
TedBrew's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Setting Default Byobu screens

I've just installed Quantal as a fresh install, and want to set up Byobu as it was on my old system. In a previous version of byobu there was an option in byobu-config (via the F9 key) to create new ...
sheepeatingtaz's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Putty, Byobu, Tmux and function keys

I'm currently trying to use byobu from PuTTY via ssh. I have currently putty-256color as Terminal-type string because otherwise not even Byobu bindings worked and I couldn't create new windows or move ...
devster's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

When using `byobu` in a PuTTY session cannot create new windows

I have an Ubuntu 10.04.4 web server, and I have set it to run byobu on session startup. To start with it all seems to work fine, for example F9 brings up the menu and F7 starts the copy/paste process....
Cylindric's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Will uninstalling the Byobu Window Manager break my GUI?

I'm currently uninstalling redundant applications from my Ubuntu 10.10 system and I came across the Byobu Window Manager under the 'Provided by Canonical' section. Does this play any sort of critical ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Disable keybindings in byobu using tmux backend

I've setup the alt + arrow keys bindings for changing tab in vim (in .vimrc): map <silent><A-Right> :tabnext<CR> map <silent><A-Left> :tabprevious<CR> this ...
Andrea Zonca's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How would you configure byobu as a login shell?

I need to have my telnet and ssh users use Byobu as their login shell. I would like to avoid using .login/.profile/.bashrc and the likes to spawn Byobu. I'd like to have Byobu as the shell defined in /...
Uqbar's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Use multiple byobu sessions, while ignoring unrelated tmux sessions

So, I have access to a shared shell account where other people and I do some work. Some people prefer use tmux, so they have open their tmux sessions, loading config from ~/.tmux.conf. I prefer to ...
elias's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Using Byobu, how do you split the screen when using PuTTY?

When running Byobu, how do you split the screen when using PuTTY? Pressing Ctrl+F2 just prints a character in the terminal.
Nikos's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

how to make byobu start with terminator by default?

Recently, I have been using byobu and I quite like it. However, I am more of a terminator user than gnome-terminal and I want to launch byobu inside terminator instead of gnome-terminal by default. ...
Ubuntuser's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to enable display of framebuffer images (e.g. in w3m, fbi) within byobu (pts)?

I'm trying to run a minimal Ubuntu 13.10 installation without X Window System on my old laptop. One of the most useful tools I rely on in this setup is byobu; however, it seems to prevent me from ...
wargaluk's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

I just don't get byobu's keybindings systems, or?

They just don't work. I don't even know where to begin, what information to even give here, etc. Can anyone help me make the default keybindings work? When I do Ctrl + a then Shift + /, it lists ...
timramich's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Server AMI images don't allow a user to login multiple times

When I log into twice to a new instance of Ubuntu server built for Amazon EC2, both windows will be exactly the same. Anything I type in one is replicated in the other. I never dealt with this when I ...
David Parks's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Using QQ: How can I make Byobu the default terminal [duplicate]

I really like the Byobu terminal better than the default Gnome terminal that is installed with Ubuntu. How can I make Byobu the default terminal - for example, when I hit control/alt-t I'd like to ...
Vector's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to remove bottom information panel in terminal window on Ubuntu Server AMI images?

The Amazon AMI images have a default information panel at the bottom of the terminal window. I would like to remove this (it disables me from being able to scroll backwards in putty). It looks like ...
David Parks's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Remove everything from Byobu status bar

By default, the Byobu status bar contains tons of information about the distribution, updates, CPU, etc. I want to remove all of that. I want to only see the "tabs" of my open terminals (and the ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu Server - using Byobu: Ctrl+F2 does not split screen in vertical

Ubuntu Server (17.10 and 16.04) using Byobu: Ctrl+F2 does not split screen in vertical Shift+F2 splits screen in horizontal and all other key shortcuts work fine, just Ctrl+F2 does not have any ...
cjclm7's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

dircolors/ls colors not being displayed correctly using byobu

On my NAS box running Ubuntu 11.04 I'm experiencing an odd issue with dircolors inside byobu. Per the image below, everything works fine outside byobu. The prompt (zsh), vim, and everything else works ...
Aaron Lake's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Byobu output only updates through window switch

I am having an issue with Byobu over SSH. When I type in something or do any input, my cursor doesn't move and the screen doesn't update. However when I toggle windows (f4 then f3) it shows the most ...
Dev's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

byobu and ssh-agent

byobu cannot connect to ssh-agent socket well. actually I can make just one connection via ssh-agent but if I try to establish another ssh connection using the agent, it doesn't work. I've tried ...
ubik's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I reset Byobu's settings?

Right problem is I want use Byobu I really like it BUT I messed up and changed settings in F9 and choose the screen keybindings NOW I cant get back to the F9 settings to change it back and cant use ...
JockMacFu's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to add Byobu as a Favorite in the Gnome Shell favorites bar

After every reboot, I click "Show Applications", look for Byobu, and click it. QUESTION: How to add it as a favorite? I tried to right-click and select "Add to Favorites", but the created shortcut ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

How to display the name of the program instead of sudo in byobu?

I'm using byobu when working on the shell. If I start a program the name of it is displayed in the status line. However when something is prefixed with sudo it just displays sudo (sudo tail -F /var/...
qbi's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Byobu doesn't show the colourful status line

I just followed this How to get byobu to launch tmux instead of screen? and updated byobu on my Ubuntu 11.04 64bit notebook. When I was using the old version from Ubuntu repos, there always was this ...
Zack Perry's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to clear history in Byobu?

I've been trying to clear the history of a window in Byobu but I haven't been successful. Neither reset nor clear actually clear the history, you can still see it when you enter in scrollback mode. I'...
José Tomás Tocino's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Starting byobu with a config file, but getting all the byobu niceties, too?

When one starts byobu by saying: byobu -c myconfig unfortunately the whole session looks like a bare bone screen session. How can I get the full-fledged byobu interface with the status bar and "tabs"...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

I can't seem to close byobu splits using alt f5

I am using byobu with tmux and I am trying to collapse the 4 splits I have on the window, but it is not responsive. When I press alt+F5 nothing happens. How do I collapse the splits in this ...
def_con_6's user avatar