Questions tagged [branding]

For questions regarding Ubuntu's branding, such as the meaning or design rationale behind it or acceptable usage of it. In the latter case, you may also want to consider using the "legal" tag.

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69 votes
3 answers

What's the meaning of the Ubuntu logo? Where does it come from?

What's the meaning of the Ubuntu logo? Where does this logo come from?
The Student's user avatar
  • 11.9k
10 votes
2 answers

How to de-brand Ubuntu?

I am working on an Ubuntu Mod, and I would like to change the name/splash screen/login screen/etc in order to make it a more customized environment. I've been able to change all of the names shown ...
Sean Rice's user avatar
  • 103
6 votes
2 answers

How can I replace Ubuntu branding with my own?

How can I replace the Ubuntu branding with my own? What files need to be replaced?
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