Questions tagged [batch-rename]

Batch renaming is a form of batch processing used to rename multiple computer files and folders in an automated fashion

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to automatize media renaming in kodi

I get media files which are not indexed by kodi (running on Ubuntu 15.10) - they need to be renamed first (and then they get indexed and fully processed). I did not find any built-in solution in kodi ...
WoJ's user avatar
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adjust character order of file names (batch)

I have several files named by date and I am trying to make a batch change in naming they look like this: dd-mm-yyyy or or ddjanyyyy and I'm trying to standardize everyone like this: ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Multiple item name copying

So I've got a folder with 2n files. n them are .foo files, n of them .bar files. I want to copy the filenames of the .foo files (which are all different) to the .bar files ordered alphabetically. The ...
Joren's user avatar
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Ubuntu Inbuilt Bulk File Rename Mask

is there a chance to edit file mask within Ubuntu inbuilt file renamer? I need to name image files with 4 number format, img_1.jpeg needs to be renamed into img_0001.jpeg. Ubuntu offers only 3 number ...
Предъява's user avatar
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Rename files from different directories with their paths

I don't know if I'm making sense but, this is roughly what I'm dealing with, and just in case I'll include that some folders have .jpg in the name: Photos$ tree . ├── 1 │   ├── 1.jpg │   │   └── X │   ...
killmenowplease's user avatar
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How to rename list of files to a partial same name plus numbered sequence before extension

mv MIPS_236_CONTROLLING_HIGH_BLOOD_PRESSURE_CA_20221701_Denominator_P1_1.csv ../MIPS_236_CONTROLLING_HIGH_BLOOD_PRESSURE_CA_20221701_Denominator_1.csv mv ...
Fernando Olvera's user avatar
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How to shuffle files and rename sequentially

I have a set of .png images, currently named in sequence from 1 to 1000. How can I take these images and reassign them to a random number between 1 & 1000 so I end up with the same range of ...
wes.p's user avatar
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Move folder and file name to metadata, batch rename files

I'm very much a novice at programming on the command line so please forgive me asking for very basic help. I want to take a folder with very many subfolders, add the subfolders and file names to ...
Nathan Tankus's user avatar
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Moving Subdirectories Between Directories by Folder Name

I have a series of sub-directories, all in one parent-directory, each titled like such: StringA (Date1) StringW [String10] StringB (Date2) StringX [String11] StringB (Date3) StringY [String12] ...
Igsnar Lobek's user avatar
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Having issues renaming file extensions of multiple files at once through terminal. "Rename" comm, does not seem to work

I have a lot of video files that are in mixed formats (.avi, .mkv, .wmv) that I need to change to ".mp4". All of the video files are within one main directory, but also flow into sub directories under ...
Mark Davidson's user avatar
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Finding the image file name and renaming with parent folder names

I have this file structure. I wanted to use the image filename appended with the parent folder names. Before: ├── ak │   ├── adak │   │   ├── Hello\ World456 │   │   ├── cup-printing │   │   │   └─...
Suresh Kumar Gondi's user avatar