Linked Questions

343 votes
38 answers

Comparison of backup tools

This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions ...
133 votes
18 answers

Can I skip over releases when upgrading?

I am currently using Ubuntu 10.04. I know there is a 10.10 release, but can I upgrade directly to 11.04? Could you walk me through the steps please?
Jared Reyes's user avatar
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224 votes
12 answers

How to make a disk image and restore from it later?

I'm a new Linux user. I've reinstalled my Wubi from scratch at least ten times the last few weeks because while getting the system up and running (drivers, resolution, etc.) I've broken something (X, ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
549 votes
10 answers

What are PPAs and how do I use them?

I keep reading about Personal Package Archives ('PPAs') and people answer questions with a link to a PPA. What's the best way to use these? There are multiple valid answers for this question ...
116 votes
9 answers

There's an issue with an Alpha/Beta Release of Ubuntu, what should I do?

I've been running Alpha releases of Ubuntu for some time now. I keep running into issues - how can I get these resolved? What should I do when I encounter these problems? And where can I find other ...
14 votes
7 answers

How to verify that the ISO I downloaded is bootable before I burn it?

How can I check that the ISO image I've downloaded is bootable, before I burn it?
The Student's user avatar
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