Linked Questions

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2 answers

How do I make it so that ubuntu installs everything on /home instead of the root?

I am trying to dual boot ubuntu on my laptop, and because I have low space on my SSD, I have allocated 20 GB to root in the SSD, and 120 GB to the home directory in my HDD. I only installed the root ...
quiccode's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Installing software to specific locations?

I am a bit new to linux, or at least Ubuntu specifically (I've tried others such as tails, but that was mostly for web browsing), and have been thinking about migrating to it from windows. Things have ...
InfBtl's user avatar
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Sorting packages?

Everything is running fine in my ubuntu machines and I especially like the centralized package system it has, but there is one thing that feel "not quite enough" is the sorting system. I would ...
R3G3N3R4T0R's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why I have lack of space in root directory? [duplicate]

Using OS Ubuntu for 2 days. Everyone says that 8GB is more than enough for root directory but it seems like so soon I will have critical lacks of space in root. I have 256GB hard drive and has ...
Partylover's user avatar
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1 answer

Where to install OpenCV (which directory, NOT from apt-get package)?

relatively new Ubuntu user here (but very familiar with OpenCV use on Windows). Having read this post: What is the Linux equivalent to Windows' Program Files? It's clear that there is not a direct ...
cdahms's user avatar
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Use HDD partition for data and SSD for programs

first of all I need to say that I am completely a Linux noob. Today I decided to install Kubuntu and keep Windows for some programs I need for work. So I have split my SSD and left 150 GB for Kubuntu ...
Louis DeVito's user avatar
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3 answers

Where is that apache2 stored after installation?

I am new to Ubuntu. i have installed apache2. I want to start apache2 by command but i am unable to find it any of the directory in root. I just want to know where is that apache2 file stored and how ...
Subhash kiran's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Have installed chrome on Ubuntu. However cannot find where to run it [duplicate]

The installer says chrome has been installed. It does not show up in Software Center.
Eugene's user avatar
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-9 votes
2 answers

Will the new Ubuntu finally have a menu that is workable? [closed]

will the new Ubuntu finally have a Menu structure that is workable? So you do not have to remember every program name you have ever installed? So that a link is easy created on your workbench. The ...
JeeJee Studio's user avatar
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1 answer

Applications in folder [duplicate]

How can i open the applications from the folder? Theres an option in mac, where you can access the applications folder and run an app from there. Is there a way in ubuntu?
Michel Ortega's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

bin/bash: ruby command not found. Ruby not in sudo path

I can't seem to run any code on ruby with any text editor. This error is returned when code is run /bin/bash: ruby: command not found [Finished in 0.0s with exit code 127] [shell_cmd: ruby "/home/...
golymer's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

In which location are Ubuntu packages installed? [duplicate]

There is an Ubuntu application called remote desktop viewer, I want its location to run in a script, how can I get the package details?
Sushern S.J's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How are Ubuntu packages structured? [duplicate]

When I download a package in Ubuntu, what files does it install on my system and where? I'm just curious about the package structure in general (I searched and it doesn't look like anyone's asked ...
Time4Tea's user avatar
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2 answers

How may I can create or resize like c:drive or system drive partition in ubuntu?

How may I can create/resize like c:drive or system drive partition in ubuntu? where software are installed and Operating System is installed too.
Mfaiz212's user avatar
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0 answers

What's the directory/location where the installations from repositories go? [duplicate]

I want to install the program ImageJ from the Ubuntu repositories (mainly because it's easier than compiling the code from source), but I need to add a few plugins to the basic installation. I would ...
Pablo S. Ocal's user avatar

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