I have just installed Ubuntu LTS (lucid lynx) 10.04.3 into my USB stick. But when I insert it to a computer in a computer shop, a program named autorun remover automatically removed the file autorun.inf, making Ubuntu LTS unusable. I want to make the file using notepad, but what is the code that I need to type?

  • After you recreated it ... make the file read only.
    – Rinzwind
    Jan 23, 2012 at 7:51
  • probably some anti-virus, disable the anti-virus from an M$ pc.
    – dsaint
    Jan 23, 2012 at 10:57
  • In addition to the answer below, what about putting your Live image on an SD card, which has a hardware write-protect feature, in order to prevent marauding Windows security software from messing with it.
    – Adrian
    Jan 23, 2012 at 12:48
  • Note that the autorun is only for installing via WUBI, which is icky anyhow. Just boot from the drive instead.
    – psusi
    Jan 25, 2012 at 15:12

1 Answer 1


I have this on my 12.04 LTS autorun.inf:

open=wubi.exe --cdmenu
label=Install Ubuntu


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