When I use the "Put Right" function of the Compiz grid plugin to maximize a window on the right half of a desktop, a two-pixel stripe of the window ends up on the next virtual desktop just to the right. The window then appears on two desktops simultaneously, which is a bit inconvenient to handle. "Put Left" works fine, interestingly.

I run 11.10 with unity. Any idea if that is a known bug?

1 Answer 1


The Compiz Grid plugin has some difficulties with window geometry and especially right side edges. There are a few similar bug reports:

And for a collection: Launchpad Bug #774986

I can confirm that I also get a 2px overlay on my right monitor by „putting a window right” on the left monitor.

  • Thanks, that answers my question. I'll just look at the bug reports for further information.
    – wintercorn
    Dec 8, 2011 at 12:55
  • Disable auto-hiding the Launcher, at Settings -> Apperance -> Behavior.
    – ciastek
    Nov 29, 2012 at 8:38

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