I do not mean any offense, but the Snappy/Snapcraft documentation leaves something to be desired. In particular I am kind of lost of what I have to do to handle this supposedly simple use-case:

My application consists of a bunch of compiled binary files including all necessary libs (in my case Qt 5.7) and a bunch of ressource files. I need to ship these as custom libs, I don't want snapcraft to compile or build anything. Really just copy the libs and ensure that my shipped libs are used instead of any system defaults.

Is there any example for this? In the snappy-playpen repo, it seems there are only more complex cases where something is downloaded from somewhere else, or something put together from existing packages etc.

1 Answer 1


Just use the dump plugin for this case: http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/plugins/dump

It should be put it all into one directory and you can use filesets to specify which bits exactly you want copied over. Use organize for renaming things.

Find more examples here.

  • The github link appears to be broken, and I'm not sure exactly how to fix it. (I tried a few variations, but none yielded useful results.)
    – nturner
    Oct 25, 2016 at 20:43
  • The github link works for me. For example github.com/kubiko/wekan-snap/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml is on the list and seems to do what you need. It even uses the dump plugin for two parts. The last part helpers is probably what you need.
    – dholbach
    Oct 27, 2016 at 5:34

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