I am provision vms at AWS using Juju Charm. How can I add my AWS ssh key to Juju so I can access to vms which I provision for MySQL, HAproxy and others. thanks. Update... I am provisioning vms at AWS using below commands so how can I add this ssh add command ( juju add-ssh-key "ssh-rsa .....) to environment or each vms?
This is commands I use for setup environment and provision vms.

juju quickstart -i
juju-1 bootstrap -e juju03
juju-1 deploy juju-gui
juju-1 expose juju-gui
juju-1 deploy wordpress
juju-1 deploy mysql
juju-1 add-relation wordpress mysql
juju-1 status
juju-1 expose wordpress
juju-1 status

Is there way to pull AWS security group while provision vms using Juju command? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


You're probably looking for juju add-ssh-key <key>

See also:

However, if you set up your ssh credentials when you bootstrapped with the same keys then Juju's already using those for authentication, then you can just ssh to whatever unit you'd like, like juju ssh mysql/0 for example:

  • Jorge.. thanks for that info. I am running these Juju commands ( see below) so which status shall I run juju add-ssh-key "ssh-rsa ............ my commands.... juju quickstart -i juju-1 bootstrap -e juju03 juju-1 deploy juju-gui juju-1 expose juju-gui juju-1 deploy wordpress juju-1 deploy mysql juju-1 add-relation wordpress mysql juju-1 status juju-1 expose wordpress juju-1 status
    – Steve Pe
    Jul 28, 2016 at 0:29
  • Can you add that information to the question up above so it's easier to understand? thanks! Jul 28, 2016 at 0:36
  • Jorge.. I just updated above.. pls take a look. thanks.
    – Steve Pe
    Jul 28, 2016 at 10:25
  • @StevePe Have you tried juju ssh wordpress/0 for example? your key should already be there for all the units. Jul 28, 2016 at 11:20
  • I haven't so deploy all vms 1st then do that.. i will try it.. thanks again.
    – Steve Pe
    Jul 28, 2016 at 13:22

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