I have a 128 GB SSD, and I was looking into external storage devices. I know how to mount a flash drive, but I was wondering if it's the same process with an SD card?

Do SD cards auto-mount, where you then have to go into GParted, unmount, and set up a new mount-point into a desired folder? Or is it a completely different process than flash drives?

Thank you.

  • It will mount like a flash drive and will mount with its label usually under /media/username/<drive label or UUID if no drive label is used> that is if you are plugging it in as a USB .. if you have a card reader then .. well that's usually plugged in via usb internally so .. same process
    – John Orion
    May 20, 2016 at 23:03
  • @JohnOrion Yah, it has a separate slot for SD cards. So it will mount it just like a flash drive?
    – user529161
    May 20, 2016 at 23:10
  • yeah .. if it has a label it will mount as the label name just like a USB an if it doesn't have a label it will use the UUID so it would be a long number.. but basically its just like a USB
    – John Orion
    May 20, 2016 at 23:15
  • Many times, sdcards will be listed as mmcblkN (ex mmcblk0) under /dev/.
    – earthmeLon
    May 20, 2016 at 23:24

1 Answer 1


You can mount any block storage device. They include your HDD, SSD, CD/DVD, Memory Card, USB, any flash storage, etc.

To mount it, you can use the mount command. You don't have to use GParted to mount devices every time.

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