I apologize in advance for my naive question but I'm new to Linux and eager to learn. I am experiencing the same problem already commented by others, and it is the impossibility to log-in Ubuntu 14.04 after upgrade. After entering the password, I am redirected to the log-in page again. I followed the instructions appeared in this thread but was unable to solve the issue: Can't login to Ubuntu 14.04 after upgrade It seems that I need to edit the system file /etc/fstab but once having accessed to the terminal from the log-in page and cd to the proper directory, I don't know how to edit this file. Your valuable feedback is highly appreciated, thanks.


1 Answer 1


I am pretty new myself but lets see if I can help you. Editing fstab could stop your filesystem working so be very careful and back it up first.

Open a terminal

Navigate to the /etc directory
cd /etc

Check you are in the correct directory and fstab is there

Back it up
sudo cp fstab fstab_old

Check fstab_old was created

Open fstab in a text editor
sudo gedit fstab

Make the changes you require in the editor then click the save icon

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