I have set up a system as described below.

A server connected to the internet( and also to a switch( I have nat configured on the switch facing interface and can access the internet from behind the switch.

I have installed maas on the server and configured as my maas api url and have four systems commissioned. The problem I am facing is that when I try to bootstrap juju, it gives a ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host error after the node is deployed by maas. I have configured - as the DHCP pool and - as the static pool on maas for the switch facing interface. Can someone please help me ?


Edit: While the deployment phase of bootstrapping is going on, I can ping the host. But after that, during the bootstrap phase, the ping returns Destination Host Unreachable

3 Answers 3


Apparently the issue was not enough time. Solved after adding bootstrap-timeout: 1800 to .juju/environments.yaml file.


You should be looking into IP forwarding on the MAAS server.

The nodes being managed by MAAS server try to reach internet via MAAS server i.e; MAAS server acts as the default gateway. So even if you configure NAT on the 10.x.x.x switch, the nodes will try to contact the MAAS server to reach internet.

Take a look at these issues: https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/issues/883



I got similar issue... showing no route to host when i tried to deploy service to my juju node(including bootstrap node) initially everything is ok..i can deploy without any issue. But after I enable node1(ready state in MAAS) eth1(go to internet by using dhcp, using NAT from my host machine) .. all my deployment are failed.

[all showing:\2016-08-10 08:57:29 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:429 cannot add unit 1/1 to service "mediawiki": cannot add unit to service "mediawiki": Get dial tcp no route to host } is my MAAS public IP.

then later I notice i even can not telnet 80 from other nodes. So I stop the eth1 on one of the node then can deploy service successfully.

hope it can help someone... if you have any question let me know.

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