I have a server with no internet access. I am trying to install the build-essential package on the server offline. I read on the internet that some packages should be installed from the CD. using apt-cdrom. But i don't know how it works.

I read that I have to do this

apt-cdrom add

apt-get install build-essential
but it doesn't work. 

Does any one know how to do it ?


1 Answer 1


You can download the required files from another system which is connected to Internet. For that you have to create a download script from the server.

apt-get --allow-unauthenticated -y install --print-uris build-essential | cut -d\' -f2 | grep http:// > download-list

This will create a new file named download-list in which the required files for download is included.

Now copy this file download-list to the system where you have Internet facility.

Run the following command to download all files.

wget -c -i ./download-list

Now copy all the downloaded .deb files to the /var/cache/apt/ folder of your server. You will need root permission for this.

After this you can install build-essential simply as we do regularly.

sudo apt-get install build-essential

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