I'm a basic user running Ubuntu 14.04.3 32 bit. I know I have a virus embedded in 1 mp3 I copied from my friend 2 years ago. It's no problem for this system, but it has killed 2 mp3 players & a tablet. The Android scanner couldn't find it. The only virus scanner I can find for Ubuntu is for e-mail. I have 5.4 gigs of mp3's. How do I locate the malware embedded in the mp3?

  • You can run the file command on these files and see which one doesn't identify as an mp3. Something like find /path/to/mp3/folder -type f -exec file -Nk {} + | grep -vi audio
    – muru
    Dec 23, 2015 at 3:23
  • Can you give me step by step directions on how do I run the file command?
    – Ka Fish
    Dec 23, 2015 at 4:50

1 Answer 1


Using malwarebytes in wine may be your solution to the problem. You can install it with wine if you do not currently have wine installed you can checkout how to install wine.

Next install malwarebytes

Install malwarebytes with wine: Example if you installed:



wine mwb-setup-2.0.1500.exe

To run the installer. When installed run the app by opening the unity and typing malwarebytes. Or

wine malwarebytes
  • No problem. Please remember to close the question by clicking the CheckMark
    – DnrDevil
    Feb 20, 2016 at 0:28

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