I'm new to sed and trying out stuff to learn. However I'm encountering a problem I can't solve when using sed to remove duplicate words :

echo "abc abc def ghi ijk ijk" | sed 's/\([a-z][a-z]*\) \1/\1/g'


abc def ghijk ijk

and it does that everytime a word finishes with the same letter as the first letter of the following word. What am I doing wrong ?

  • For your information, [a-z][a-z]* can be written more consisely as [a-z]+ Aug 10, 2015 at 8:11
  • @StiegHemmer $ echo "abc abc def ghi ijk ijk" | sed 's/\<([a-z]+-)\> \<\1\>/\1/g' => abc abc def ghi ijk ijk
    – Mr. Smith
    Aug 10, 2015 at 12:04
  • It was just supposed to be [a-z]+, the minus/hyphen is just part of the site layout. Aug 11, 2015 at 7:01
  • Oh right my bad :)
    – Mr. Smith
    Aug 11, 2015 at 19:37
  • For advanced regular expressions, the -r option may be usefull: sed -r 's/\b([a-z]+)\b \b\1\b/\1/g'
    – user216043
    Jan 17, 2018 at 8:34

1 Answer 1


The problem is that, as is, the regex can match partial words. In the example you show, it is matching the i at the end of one word with the i at the beginning of the next. The solution is to insist that the regex match whole words:

$ echo "abc abc def ghi ijk ijk" | sed 's/\<\([a-z][a-z]*\)\> \<\1\>/\1/g'
abc def ghi ijk

In GNU sed, \< matches at the beginning of a word and \> matches at the end of a word.

More complex matches

In the example in the question, the regex was matching on a single repeated character, i i. Here is an example where it matches oat oat:

$ echo "smoat oats" | sed 's/\([a-z][a-z]*\) \1/\1/g'

This is, again, fixed by insisting on whole words:

$ echo "smoat oats" | sed 's/\<\([a-z][a-z]*\)\> \<\1\>/\1/g'
smoat oats


Since alphabet to space transitions always mark a word boundary, the part of the regex above that uses \> \< is unnecessary because the regex requires that the characters on both sides are alphabetic. Thus, we could use:

$ echo "smoat oats" | sed 's/\<\([a-z][a-z]*\) \1\>/\1/g'
smoat oats


For more information on the subtleties of sed and its regular expressions, I recommend the Grymoire tutorial. The ultimate reference for GNU sed is the GNU sed manual.

  • Thanks, is it just me or is sed documentation a bit light ? I can't seem to find much...
    – Mr. Smith
    Aug 9, 2015 at 23:06
  • @Mr.Smith Yes, the man sed is light. I updated the answer with links to two references that I find to be much more informative.
    – John1024
    Aug 9, 2015 at 23:11

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