Whenever I try to drag and drop something, my cursor may split into two cursors or one cursor with two arrows! I can't seem to take a screenshot ..

I'm able to make it stop without locking the screen .. but I don't want it to appear all of a sudden. Is there a solution to prevent it from happening? I'm using Lubuntu 14.10.

  • Same here. Only the left hand one is active
    – frepie
    Jul 23, 2015 at 1:23
  • I suggest upgrading to a supported version of Ubuntu. If the problem persists, edit your question. 14.10 is already obsolete.
    – Pilot6
    Jul 28, 2015 at 13:50

3 Answers 3


it's an old thread but if trying the code above, new gsettings is in this format:

gsettings set "SCHEMA" "KEY" "VALUE"

so will be the following:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings.daemon-plugins.cursor active false

i have always hated how gnome renders the double cursor or cursor over cursor.


you could try this from the terminal and enter this in:

 gsettings org.gnome.settings.daemon-plugins.cursor -KEY=active -VALUE=false

and it might work fine this way.

  • I get this: Usage: gsettings [--schemadir SCHEMADIR] set SCHEMA[:PATH] KEY VALUE Set the value of KEY to VALUE Arguments: SCHEMADIR A directory to search for additional schemas SCHEMA The name of the schema PATH The path, for relocatable schemas KEY The key within the schema VALUE The value to set
    – user37421
    Jul 26, 2015 at 20:31
  • If something doesn't work for you, don't downvote it! It might for for others, and downvotes should only be used for unclear/unrelated anwsers Mar 5, 2022 at 21:25

I have this issue only in firefox. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1187719

Taking screenshots (import, shutter) and recording videos (recordmydesktop) grab the cursor as it should look, although I see it doubled on screen.

Try displaying any image file with some image viewer. In my case "qiv" image browser solves the problem until next X11 start.

I'm using 14.04.

  • I upgraded to 15.04 and it seems it solved the problem
    – user37421
    Aug 5, 2015 at 12:56

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