I've started getting the following message when I boot up Ubuntu armhf 15.04 when I start Ubuntu on my raspi 2.

"the keybinding you choose for pull down terminal is invalid. please choose another"

I press close, and a Tilda screen pops up with a terminal in the background in the top left corner of my screen. In keybindings the pull down terminal is empty and nothing can be done there. I close tilda and then need to type exit to get rid of the terminal screen.

Quite annoying, how can I stop this and could anyone please let me know if there is a fix to get rid it.


2 Answers 2


I have just had the problem occur in Ubuntu Mate 15.04. This is a simple way I found of fixing it (for new users such as myself).

  1. When the Tilda 1 Config window appears, go to the Keybindings tab.
  2. Click on "Pull Down Menu" at the top left of the window. A new dialogue will open with a place to click "Close": ignore that.
  3. Press the key you wish to assign to Tilda's terminal. I used F12 for this.
  4. Click "Close".

As Christian stated, you can also remove it from the Startup, which I have also done.


This issue seems to be fixed by now, try compiling the newest version. Download the Source and take a look at the Instructions on this page.

But if you dont need or want Tilda, the easiest way to get rid of this error is to can disable it in the Startup Programs.

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