How to check if a LaTeX package has been installed in Ubuntu?

When installing, I followed the methods mentioned in math.arizona.edu and n.wikibooks.org.


1 Answer 1


If you know the name of the .sty or .cls file from the package, you can do

kpsewhich <filename>

and it show you the location of the file where Latex system finds the file. If kpsewhich doesn't find it, you probably didn't install the files correctly or didn't run mktexlsr or texhash.

Also, please show us the output of


from the commandline.

  • kpsewchih and echo $TEXTINPUTS produce no output - what might be the cause? I'm on Ubuntu 10.04.
    – Roman Luštrik
    Jun 26, 2010 at 8:28
  • You might not have the package installed - which package are you trying to install?
    – Alok
    Jun 26, 2010 at 14:57

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