Hi My problem is the following: I was at my friend, were they had mac filter on the network. I used to clone the MAC in the network manager, but I accidentally copied it in the wrong field, and somehow 'switched' the Device static MAC It did not dropped any error and I applied it. Now I can't get into the options, because it drops an error:

error editing connection: did not find a connection with UUID '(null)'

And the laptop cannot connect to the internet at wire, only at wifi.

Maybe is there a way that I can restore it in a file? I haven't found it in /etc/network, but I guess it is there somewhere.

Or is it possible, that if i reinstall the network manager with a purge it will restore everything?

I use ubuntu 14.04 with gnome3 on a thinkpad t510.

  • Have a look at the content of /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/. There should be a file for each network connection. Please identify the configuration file for your wired connection and edit your question to include its content. Feb 26, 2015 at 13:26
  • That was exacly the file i was looking for :) Thank you (idk why i was thying to find it in the network folder when it was a Manager mistake) i will remove the question
    – Shad
    Feb 26, 2015 at 13:36
  • If you struggle further, edit your question with an update and new findings. If you manage to solve the issue yourself, please write an answer and accept it. Shoot me a message and I'll vote it up, if it's any good. Feb 26, 2015 at 13:38

2 Answers 2


I found the config in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ edited it with GEdit and restored the broken line


id=Wired connection 1



I restored the MAC address line to my original MAC (masked in the above listing) and it's working now.

  • You shouldn't publish your MAC address, because it can be used to cause mischief. Feb 26, 2015 at 13:51

My sulotion is: Search: Enter "Network connection" -> Add > Ethernet -> set Automantic(DHCP) at Ipv4 and tick "require ipv4 addressing for..." -> Save. I hope it help you!

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