A.S.: Complete Linux noob here.

I'm trying to install Vidalia from the Software Centre, and apparently everyone says that it doesn't work on 14.04. However someone posts a link to a fix package

I manage to install the package with dpkg, but when I try to start Tor from Vidalia, it gives me this error:

Vidalia was unable to start Tor. Check your settings to ensure the correct name and location of your Tor executable is specified.

The location appears to be /usr/sbin/tor

1 Answer 1


Just follow up these steps

  1. Open up /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.vidalia file with root permissions. For this you can run sudo gedit /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.vidalia in a Terminal.

  2. Add this line /usr/bin/tor Ux, anywhere inside the /usr/bin/vidalia {...} block. Place of this line in that block does not matter.

  3. Run sudo apparmor_parser --replace /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.vidalia in a Terminal.

Okay, now you're done!

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