I have an installation service in a central data centre and proxies in other data centres and need to pre-populate those proxies with the contents of the installation.

What's the best way to do this?

I've been thinking of writing a script along the lines of:

  • debootstrap - with --include option to include all additional packages above and beyond the minimal setup, run this once inside each DC to populate the proxy.

  • apt-proxy-import - apt-proxy can add debs directly into the cache, take them from an existing installs /var/cache/apt/archives dir.

  • Take the cache miss and have a slow first install?

  • As part of the site cleanup your question has been flagged, are you still having the issue or resolved it yourself with the script you suggest? Feb 25, 2012 at 9:14

1 Answer 1


Have you considered using apt-proxy or apt-cacher-ng instead of squid? To make use of squid's caching, you could allow either of those through squid to the internet. All you'd have to do is to point your /etc/apt/sources.list to the correct apt-proxy/apt-cacher-ng servers. Ubuntu has an excellent wiki page on apt-proxy - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy

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