My VPS works absolutely fine but has had a few issues with booting since I upgraded it to Ubuntu 14.04 from 12.04. It will not boot after being switched off. So I Googled the problem and it looked like I should install and run boot-repair, so I did that in my putty connection.

I got this:

Screenshot SCreenshot

Because of all the GTKs I checked out lightdm and found that it was stopped and wouldn't start:

service lightdm status gave lightdm stop/waiting

service lightdm start gave start: job failed to start

So I then ran apt-get install aptitude then aptitude reinstall lightdm. That all seems to run fine and dandy with no error messages. But the service... commands above give the exact same results.

This is beyond my current knowledge a bit so I was hoping someone could help me understand the error messages better - am I required to run boot-repair in a desktop environment instead of an SSH connection like putty?


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