Lets say I have file content like this:

this is a simple file for testing purpose
with few lines in it.
to check the cat and grep command to verfy which is best and less excution time consuming

First I have tried:

time cat temp.txt


this is a simple file for testing purpose
with few lines in it.
to check the cat and grep command to verfy which is best and less excution time consuming

real    0m0.001s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.001s

Second I have tried:

time grep "$"  temp.txt


this is a simple file for testing purpose
with few lines in it.
to check the cat and grep command to verfy which is best and less excution time consuming

real    0m0.002s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.002s

Third I have tried:

time awk  "/$/"  temp.txt


this is a simple file for testing purpose
with few lines in it.
to check the cat and grep command to verfy which is best and less excution time consuming

real    0m0.004s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.004s


time awk 1 temp.txt


this is a simple file for testing purpose
with few lines in it.
to check the cat and grep command to verfy which is best and less excution time consuming

real    0m0.004s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.003s

With sed:

time sed "" temp.txt


this is a simple file for testing purpose
with few lines in it.
to check the cat and grep command to verfy which is best and less excution time consuming

real    0m0.002s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.002s

It means cat is quite better command for printing all file content. As it takes less time for execution.?

  • Note that awk 1 temp.txt should be quicker than awk '/$/' temp.txt since it doesn't have to compare each line to a regex. Dec 24, 2014 at 13:23
  • 1
    I feel compelled to point out that we're on the millisecond scale here. In practical terms, the difference is vanishingly small. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Program_optimization#When_to_optimize Dec 24, 2014 at 13:24
  • You might also want to benchmark sed "" temp.txt Dec 24, 2014 at 13:26
  • 1
    grep and awk and sed are for processing files. Obviously processing is going to involve more processing power than not processing the file and only outputting its contents as-is.
    – psusi
    Dec 24, 2014 at 15:32
  • @glennjackman Presumably this is a test scenario for a longer task, but I'm not 100% sure.
    – Sparhawk
    Dec 25, 2014 at 0:45

2 Answers 2


The answer is "yes". Initially, this is more of an assertion, since cat is merely reading the file, whereas the other two are scanning it for an expression. Your time scripts are the right idea, but at these extremely low durations, any small variance will give erroneous results. Much better to use a larger file, or to repeat it multiple times.

$ time for i in {1..1000}; do cat temp.txt; done
real    0m0.762s
user    0m0.060s
sys     0m0.147s

$ time for i in {1..1000}; do grep "$" temp.txt; done
real    0m3.128s
user    0m0.667s
sys     0m0.263s

$ time for i in {1..1000}; do awk "/$/" temp.txt; done
real    0m3.332s
user    0m0.720s
sys     0m0.337s

Also (not shown), I ran the above commands multiple times to confirm that each command ran at about the same time, and hence was replicable.

More benchmarks

As per the comments, here are some more commands I tested. On my system, grep "^" and awk "1" had no appreciable increase in efficiency, although sed "" approached cat.

$ time for i in {1..1000}; do grep "^" temp.txt; done
real    0m2.992s
user    0m0.527s
sys     0m0.303s

$ time for i in {1..1000}; do awk "1" temp.txt; done
real    0m3.185s
user    0m0.570s
sys     0m0.317s

$ time for i in {1..1000}; do sed "" temp.txt; done
real    0m0.983s
user    0m0.077s
sys     0m0.193s
  • 1
    To be noted: even if you do (mis)use grep or awk for such things, at least use efficient tests. awk "1" took about a quarter of the time and grep "^" about a third for me. I used dd if=/dev/urandom bs=100M count=10 | base64 > /tmp/blah for the file.
    – muru
    Dec 24, 2014 at 13:25
  • 1
    @muru I've added more commands. I was actually quite surprised at how little difference they made (on my system at least).
    – Sparhawk
    Dec 24, 2014 at 13:57

I have same scripts . In one I'm using cat and in other it's all AWK.

Here's the first one:


        lines=$(cat /etc/passwd | wc -l)

        for ((i=1 ; i <=$lines ; i++ ))
        user=$(cat /etc/passwd | awk -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $1}')
        uid=$(cat /etc/passwd | awk -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $3}')
        gid=$(cat /etc/passwd | awk -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $4}')
        shell=$(cat /etc/passwd | awk -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $7}')
        echo -e "User is : $user \t Uid is : $uid \t Gid is : $gid \t Shell is : $shell"

Here's the second one:


        lines=$(awk  'END {print NR}' /etc/passwd)

        for ((i=1 ; i <=$lines ; i++ ))
        user=$(awk  -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $1}' /etc/passwd)
        uid=$(awk  -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $3}'  /etc/passwd)
        gid=$(awk  -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $4}'  /etc/passwd)
        shell=$(awk  -F : -vi=$i 'NR==i {print $7}' /etc/passwd)
        echo -e "User is : $user \t Uid is : $uid \t Gid is : $gid \t Shell is : $shell"

The time taken for the first script is as follows ( script with CAT statements):

real    0m0.215s
user    0m0.023s
sys     0m0.238s

For the second script which has only AWK statements, time taken is as follows:

real    0m0.132s
user    0m0.013s
sys     0m0.123s

I think awk processing of file is much faster as compared to calling other external function for reading the files. I would be happy for a discussion on the results.

i think AWK performs better in some cases.

  • This is not comparing like with like. Here you're running either (a) 'awk', or (b) 'cat' and 'awk'. (b) is slower, which is not much of a surprise since you're running your file through two commands rather than one, but this does not demonstrate that 'cat' is slower than 'awk'.
    – ijw
    Jun 23, 2022 at 23:36

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