I want to install Telegram Desktop software on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I have downloaded the tsetup.0.6.15.tar.xz file. Now I want to know how to proceed further.


3 Answers 3


How to install Telegram Desktop in Ubuntu 14.04

Download the Telegram Desktop client and extract tsetup.0.6.15.tar.xz. You can easily do this in the file manager (nautilus). Just right-click the file and click extract here. Now you have a folder called Telegram.

Move this folder to /opt. You can do this using the file manager, but you'll need to start it with root privileges. You can do this by typing the following in a terminal: (you can find the "opt" folder in "computer")

sudo nautilus

After the move, double-click the telegram binary /opt/Telegram/Telegram. The last thing we need to do is add Telegram to the "applications" menu. This happens automatically if you right-click the icon of the running app and choose "lock to launcher".

Other options for using telegram in Linux

Telegram is also available as:

  • Google Chrome app
  • web-app
  • scope, and other platforms.

You can find different alternatives here: https://askubuntu.com/a/456121/172367

  • I don't have the option to click 'lock to launcher'. Is there something else I can do to add Telegram to the application menu? Mar 27, 2015 at 17:11
  • 2
    Strange thing: if I run Telegram under the /Downloads directory, everything is fine and the launcher has the Telegram icon. BUT if I move Telegram folder to any other directory I tried (including e.g. my user's home or Desktop), I don't get an icon, only a default gray "?" icon. I tried moving it to /opt and lock it to launcher but it doesn't start, although it is ok if I have it in Downloads directory. Why is that?
    – MakisH
    Apr 5, 2015 at 20:25
  • 4
    I found a solution: intially I ran it from the /Downloads directory. At the first start, a /.TelegramDesktop directory is created, storing the settings and the data. If I delete this directory and move it somewhere else, it works as expected!
    – MakisH
    Apr 5, 2015 at 20:41
  • 1
    Telegram creates ~/.local/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop file describing launcher entry on the first start. If you move application's directory after that you should simply fix a path in Exec line of this file.
    – ezze
    Jun 3, 2016 at 21:58
  • You shouldn't use sudo nautilus instead use gksudo nautilus
    – FazeL
    May 19, 2017 at 11:18

In your terminal type this commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegram
  • 2
    Exactly. downloading and extracting files is not the way to go. For most (relatively) mainstream sofware packages, add the ppa to be sure about compatibility. Jul 6, 2015 at 15:01
  • The PPA seems abandoned. As for now a week has already passed since Telegram 0.9.10 release and the PPA is still at 0.9.6 (4 releases old).
    – Ivan
    Nov 10, 2015 at 23:53
  • @Ivan At time of writing the PPA is up to date with the stable release. It had one problem though, running through Ubuntu Dash menu didn't seem to work. I created a desktop launcher with the run command: /opt/telegram/Telegram.
    – Edo
    Jan 25, 2016 at 11:44
  • after using this one I am also experiencing problems with opening tg: links Jan 16, 2018 at 10:28
  • Note that for some reason one needs /opt/telegram/Telegram -- %u command to run telegram. telegram is not working. Oct 21, 2019 at 8:19

Extract it from folder tsetup.0.8.36.tar.xz and put this folder wherever you want...and run the file named telegram in executable mode by double clicking it..that did for me

  • whats the error one getting during this process?
    – hunch
    Jul 2, 2015 at 9:56

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