I would like to create a hidden hotspot from my Ubuntu for my phone, is there any way to do this? I want that only people who know the SSID can connect to the WiFi.


3 Answers 3


Yes, you can do this with this script https://github.com/Daniyal-Javani/AP-Hotspot

You can run this with downloading ap-hotspot file and do chmod 777 ap-hotspot or install with sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot Then change codes in /usr/bin/ap-hotspot with my script!


I needed exactly this, and didn't find a solution else where. Posting for when my future self inevitably forgets it.

NetworkManager now allows hidden SSID in AP mode.

After creating the hotspot, edit the generated connection file /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Hotspot.nmconnection and add hidden=true under [wifi], it should look something like


Then reload and restart the connection:

sudo nmcli connection reload Hotspot
nmcli connection up Hotspot

There is no way known to create the access Point hotspot with hidden SSID. However to do Wifi hotspot without hidden SSID:


With screenshots.

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