ok, so I'm trying to make a portable launcher for my wine application...

[Desktop Entry]
Name= UMC
Type= Application
Exec= wine ~/data/Python/x86/python.exe loader.py 'x86'
StartupNotify= true
Icon= ~/data/UMC.ico

the '~' in my code means the current directory, which can be relocated.
what could I use in place of the '~' that would do what I expect??

  • ~ means your home directory usually, but it doesn't matter, since ~ isn't evaluated in a desktop file: askubuntu.com/a/142239/158442. You might want to look at stackoverflow.com/questions/3452746/…
    – muru
    Nov 20, 2014 at 0:22
  • yeh, the '~' in my code is literally just a placeholder for what's supposed to be there, but still, even w/o a relative icon, I still need a relative directory compatible with Wine...
    – Tcll
    Nov 20, 2014 at 1:19
  • Hmm. You could try manipulating the %k parameter, as seen in askubuntu.com/a/345123/158442.
    – muru
    Nov 20, 2014 at 1:23
  • yeh... not sure I did that right: Exec= bash -c "export PATH=$PATH: 'dirname %k'; wine data/Python/x86/python.exe loader.py 'x86'", the terminal just pops up then out, no text... I'm a noob btw :P
    – Tcll
    Nov 20, 2014 at 4:02

1 Answer 1


Got it working with this:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine ./data/Python/x86/python.exe loader.py 'x86'
#Icon= ./data/UMC.ico #this one doesn't work

I recently stumbled across a Ubuntu Forums thread which mentioned this.

On the note that I DO have it working, I'm not sure if XFCE might be lending a hand here.
So if this doesn't work for you, check your Desktop Environment and/or Window Manager.

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