I'm using 14.04 ubuntu with the default video player called "Videos" version 3.10.1 (which seems to be "Totem" re-branded with an even less search engine-friendly name.)

I know keyboard shortcuts work, as I've accidentally found a few (example: "Q" quits the entire program without a warning prompt), but I can't seem to find a comprehensive list either in the online or built-in help. Can anyone point me toward one?

Known so far:

q quit

Left arrowskip backward 15 sec

Right arrow skip ahead 1 minute

Shift+Left arrow skip backwards 5 sec

Shift+Right arrow skip ahead 15 sec

2 Answers 2


From Totem man pages:

       Global keybindings for Totem:

       a                 cycle between aspect ratios
       p                 toggle between play and pause
       Esc               exit full screen mode
       f                 toggle full screen
       h                 toggle display of on-screen controls
       0                 resize window to 50% original size
       1                 resize window to 100% original size
       2                 resize window to 200% original size
       r                 zoom in the video
       t                 zoom out the video
       d                 start and stop the telestrator (drawing) mode
       e                 erase the drawing
       Left-arrow        skip back 15 seconds
       Right-arrow       skip forward 60 seconds
       Shift+Left-arrow  skip back 5 seconds
       Shift+Right-arrow skip forward 15 seconds
       Ctrl+Left-arrow   skip back 3 minutes
       Ctrl+Right arrow  skip forward 10 minutes
       Up-arrow          increase volume by 8%
       Down-arrow        decrease volume by 8%
       b                 jump back to previous chapter/movie in playlist
       n                 jump to next chapter/movie in playlist
       q                 quit
       Ctrl+E            eject the playing optical media
       Ctrl+O            open a new file
       Ctrl+L            open a new URI
       F9                toggle display of the playlist
       m                 show the DVD menu
       c                 show the DVD chapter menu
  • Thanks, I'm not sure how I missed that. Surely search engines index these pages but even keybindings totem -warcraft has a bad S/N ratio
    – user307382
    Nov 9, 2014 at 14:25

You can also find explanations to keyboard shortcuts in Totems help menu:

It is accessible by:

  • clicking Help > Content
  • pressing F1

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