I have a macbook 4.1.

Accidentally upgraded to 14.04. Lots of bugs (no wifi, trackpad is stiff, DVD/CD doesn't work, etc). None of the terminal sudo codes are working for me...

I think i need to reinstall back to 10.04 but can't get LiveCD or USB to work.

Computer can read USBs, but not when I bootup for some reason. CDs do not work. They spin then get spit back out.

What do I do? I'm trapped!

Please help,

  • By now 10.04 may be too old. There is no further support, and you would be on your own. However, I think people have successfully run 12.04 on that vintage of MacBook. Look at some the Q/As for search term: macbook 12.04
    – david6
    Nov 3, 2014 at 5:57


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