I have this .desktop file.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Read and create QR code and barcode tags
Exec=/usr/share/tagger-app/tagger %U

I know it's being read because the icon appears.

I visit the link yada:// in the standard browser app and it says "network error" and does not attempt to open the application.

1 Answer 1


Try the URL Dispatcher. I don't know if it will work typing the scheme directly into the browser's location bar, but it should work if you click a link with that scheme or if another app tries to open a URL with that scheme.

  • Thanks for answering. I took the advice from the provided tutorial and tested it from the browser with a link. No workie. Immediately, I blamed myself so I looked at url-dispatcher files and saw album:// and music:// handlers. So I made links and clicked those in the browser and they didn't work either. However, I did open the news app and tapped some http:// links. This launches the browser app. Perhaps the browser app is the only app that gobbles up every tap event?
    – pdxwebdev
    Oct 12, 2014 at 21:40

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