I found instructions for Python 3.3 but nothing specifically for 2.7. I sorted it out and figured I'd record it here for future reference.

1 Answer 1


This assumes you have pyenv installed for your project (~/my-project-dir) and your virtualenv (my-pyenv-virtualenv) is set up.

To get latest Pygame source, see: http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml

sudo apt-get build-dep python-pygame
sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
cd /usr/include/linux/
sudo ln -s ../libv4l1-videodev.h videodev.h
cd ~/my-project-dir
~/.pyenv/versions/my-pyenv-virtualenv/bin/pip install http://www.pygame.org/ftp/pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz

To test

~/.pyenv/versions/my-pyenv-virtualenv/bin/python -c "import pygame; print(pygame.vernum)"

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