I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I would like to see current workspace position while using more than 4 workspaces. When I changed number of WS with compiz-config/unity-tweak/ubuntu tweak I realized that my workspace switcher icon remained unchanged. Although I am now using 9 workspaces, icon is still showing 4 and doing nothing when moving between themselves. It's not very practical to always remember current position.

So I was trying another icon, called workspace indicator - http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/05/10-useful-application-indicators-for.html but I got an ImportError: No module named appindicator.

I also found adding workspaces manual with immediately changing icon: http://helpdeskgeek.com/linux-tips/use-more-than-four-workspaces-in-ubuntu-12-04/ but it's not working for me (number of ws changed, icon stayed the same).

Could you help me to recognize workspace when using more than four of them?



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