I am wondering how to compile or install a version of bind9 that supports DLZ (specifically, MySQL) on Ubuntu 14.04. According to my internet research, bind9 doesn't support it by default. Does anyone know of a good tutorial, or know personally, how to do this? All of the tutorials that do exist seem to be three years old and written for Ubuntu 12.04.

  • you can install it as sudo apt-get install bind9
    – user308564
    Jul 29, 2014 at 2:55
  • @user308564 From what I read online, bind9 doesn't support DLZ by default. Are you saying it does?
    – user101351
    Jul 29, 2014 at 3:08

1 Answer 1


My answer: PowerDNS

It's built on top of MySQL by default and is much less difficult to set up. +1!

This software can be found in the Ubuntu Repositories as pdns-..., use

apt-cache search pdns

to find the packages.

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