I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 64bit. In the "System Settings"->"User Accounts" I chose the "Login without a password". This was my only administrator account, so according to this answer, I encountered bug #1168749, meaning I can't authenticate, not in the terminal and not in the GUI. I tried all of these answers:

After the first two I was again able to authenticate in the GUI, but still can't sudo in the terminal after trying all these answers and solutions.. Anyone knows how to fix this bug?


Actually I was wrong, I can sudo (silly mistake, my bad). I just kept trying to enter su and it said:

su: Authentication failure
  • What exactly happens when you try to use sudo in the terminal? Please edit your question adding any error messages exactly as they are printed. Jul 14, 2014 at 12:03
  • Actually I was wrong, I can sudo, but when I press su it says: su: Authentication failure with the same password.
    – david-hoze
    Jul 14, 2014 at 15:21

1 Answer 1


The behaviour you're describing is normal, because the root account is locked by default in Ubuntu. If you need an interactive root shell you should use sudo -i instead of su

For further information, see the discussion at RootSudo

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