I am trying to mount my windows phone 8 with my Kubuntu 14.04 but I can not get access to it. I have mounted my phone in Fedora 20 with Gnome 3.10 and Ubuntu 13.10 but it not seem possible with Dolphin.

  • Does the windows phones use the MTP that androids use or is it something all together different? There seems to be MTP package in the ubuntu repos.
    – user355037
    Dec 12, 2014 at 3:06

1 Answer 1


I found that my Lumia 1520 mounts on Ubuntu 14.04, if I restart the phone, while having it connected to my pc.

  • I found easy way...plug in your phone to laptop or PC.then log out your session and log back in.it mounts.it worked for me.i hope it will work for others.
    – Mohit Tank
    Dec 13, 2014 at 16:22

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