So once I log into my Ubuntu VM I launch my application by doing a

sudo app

Now I want my application to get started while booting. I tried it by creating an rc. script but nothing seems to work. Can someone point me to the correct way of getting it done?

Also my application has to run sudo. Hoping auto start will have the runlevel as root

  • Is this a GUI or CLI application? May 2, 2014 at 23:09
  • Its a C program... i just want to launch a binary.. like "a.out" May 2, 2014 at 23:22
  • So have you tried editing /etc/rc.local (sudo nano /etc/rc.local) and adding your command before the line containing exit 0? You don't need sudo here because all commands in this file are executed as root by default. May 2, 2014 at 23:25
  • Thanks .. i added this to rc.local. /path_to_script/run.sh exit(0) It doe not come up on bootup, but after the bootup if i do a sudo ./rc.local.. it works. What am i doing wrong ? May 3, 2014 at 0:00
  • File names are really important here. Are you sure you've editted /etc/rc.local? Also, you don't put exit 0 yourself there, but you put your command above the exit 0 that's already there. May 3, 2014 at 6:49

1 Answer 1


You can try it with Upstart (/etc/rc.local doesn't work for me either).


author "Your name goes here - optional"
description "What your daemon does shortly - optional"

start on started dbus
stop on stopping dbus

# console output  # if you want daemon to spit its output to console... ick
respawn # it will respawn if crashed/killed

   echo "Hello world!" > /home/username/test.txt # without root permissions
   sudo -u root fdisk -l > /home/username/fdisk.txt # with root permissions
end script

You would put that in /etc/init/myUpStart.conf.

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