I know I can use Ctrl + shift + '+' to change the font size.

But now as my code are on show on the left-side, I want to move them to center.

By drag the window I can do so, but that will show the background under the terminal window.

Can I move my code view to the center while the terminal is fullscreen? How?

1 Answer 1


The only thing I can think of is changing terminal to something that supports multiple, tiled terminals. In my case the easiest way is through terminator (which is an alternative terminal application). Just surround your active terminal with other terminals:

enter image description here

Or you could do it session-side with a multiplexer like tmux. I don't have any experience there so you'll have to play on your own.

Or you can add padding to your terminals. Some of the Gnomier options use a form of CSS so you might even be able to add a variable amount (like 10%)... Worth a play if this is something you're really after.

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