I was trying to solve the problem highlighted here:

But whenever I execute

 ln -s libudev.so.1 libudev.so.0

or even

 ln -s libudev.so.0 libudev.so.1

I get Too many symbolic links error.

I know i'll have to redo the symbolic links, but how?

1 Answer 1


First try to find which libudev you have and where it is:

sudo find / -name "libudev.so*"

If you find libudev.so.1, note its path, and link:

sudo ln -s <libudevpath>/libudev.so.1 <libudevpath>/libudev.so.0

Do not try to link the other direction!

ln -s file1 file0 creates a symbolic link between two files. Whenever an application looks for file0 (which doesn't really exist!), it will follow this link and use file1 instead.

Let me know if I was helpful enough.

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