I have 9 viewports, 3x3 in Compiz Desktop Wall. Every time I boot up it starts with viewport 1, in the left top corner. I'd like it to start with viewport 5, in the center. How can I set that?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer 1


One solution I thought about was to run a command 1-2 seconds after startup in order to change your current workspace to the wanted one.

This answer here explains it perfectly:

Is there a command to go a specific workspace?

This answer explains how to run a command on startup

How do I start applications automatically on login?

In the "Command" field, you will need to input

bash -c 'sleep 3; wmctrl -o X,Y'

where X,Y the coordinates that you have to take from the 1st answer I posted.

  • Thank you! I refined this idea to: bash -c "while [ '`wmctrl -d | grep 3840,1080`' = '' ]; do wmctrl -o 3840,1080; sleep 1; done" for my (X,Y) = (3840,1080).
    – Ctrl-C
    Feb 14, 2014 at 13:44
  • Glad it worked.
    – hytromo
    Feb 14, 2014 at 14:04

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